Top 6 Natural Remedies for Dogs & Their Homemade Recipe

Got some time to spare? Take advantage of it to concoct some natural remedies for your dog.

Coconut oil, turmeric, honey… Discover here 6 natural ingredients renowned for their many properties, and learn how to relieve your dog’s ailments thanks to our “homemade” recipes against inflammation, digestive disorders, pain or even anxiety in your dog.

Not only are the remedies below natural and effective for dogs, but you’ll also save a few bucks by making them yourself. What more could you ask for? In any case, we approve!

By combining these few fresh ingredients that we all have on hand in our kitchen, you can build your own stash of natural herbal treatments for everyday aches and pains such as poor digestion, bad breath or even itching.

Here are 6 ingredients with multiple health benefits for dogs, each with an easy-to-follow recipe.

1. Turmeric: Benefits & Recipe for dogs

A spice used generously in Indian cuisine, turmeric is also beneficial for a dog’s health.

We’re totally into this yellow-hued spice because of its powerful anti-inflammatory properties .

Its secret? Curcumin!

Curcumin is an active compound found in natural turmeric. It helps reduce inflammation and benefits dogs with arthritis , dental and kidney disease , which are all conditions and diseases caused by inflammation.

Curcumin also works as a natural steroid, which means dogs with allergies can benefit greatly from it.

Finally if your dog has digestive issues, turmeric is a great ingredient that helps stimulate bile production in the liver , which helps break down dietary fats in your dog’s food and increases digestibility .

Always use organic turmeric to get the most out of this powerful spice.

Do you also like turmeric? Learn how to make a natural turmeric remedy for dogs.

Golden turmeric dough

Ingredients :

½ cup organic turmeric powder

1 ½ cups filtered water

1 ½ teaspoons freshly ground black pepper

¼ cup cold-pressed coconut oil (organic ideally!)

Instructions :

Step 1 – In a pan, add the turmeric powder along with the cup of water and stir. Keep the remaining amount of water for later.

Step 2 – Over low/medium heat, stir the mixture for about 7-10 minutes. The mixture should gradually turn into a thick paste.

Step 3 – Add the remaining water if the batter is too thick, otherwise you can remove the pan from the heat and let the batter cool.

Step 4 – Add black pepper and coconut oil. Mix well.

Step 5 – Once the mixture has cooled completely, transfer it to a jar and store in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

You can use this natural remedy as a dietary supplement and mix it into your dog’s food.


2. Manuka honey: Benefits & Recipe for dogs

What sets manuka honey apart from all other honeys is its exceptionally high concentration of an antibacterial component called methylgloyoxal (MG).

The higher the MG, the stronger the antibiotic effect, killing bacteria that cause infections, such as colds and kennel cough in dogs. When using manuka honey.

Honey also helps in wound recovery and healing as it has great antimicrobial properties.

If you have an overweight or diabetic dog, it is best to consult your veterinarian before administering this to your dog.

Also, you should only give manuka honey to dogs over one year old.

  • For minor cuts and scrapes: Clean the area thoroughly and apply a thick layer of honey.
  • For kennel cough: ½ to 1 teaspoon two to three times daily, depending on the size of your dog.
  • For senior dogs: ½ to 1 teaspoon daily to increase energy levels.


3. Coconut Oil: Benefits & Recipe for Dogs

Coconut oil contains a healthy fat that not only your dog will enjoy, but you will also love for its many benefits, including on your dog’s cognitive function (especially in his later years).

It also helps fight yeast infections and allergies .

As a dog ages, his or her cognitive function can decline. One way to reduce the risk of this happening is to supplement your dog’s diet with coconut oil.

It actually contains a concentrated source of triglycerides, providing dietary “fuel” for your dog’s brain and nerve functions.

Coconut oil also works wonders for skin conditions because of the lauric acid it contains.

Lauric acid has antifungal properties that can help clear up contact dermatitis, eczema, and any irritation or itching in your dog.

Besides applying coconut oil topically directly to the skin, coconut oil can also be ingested by including 1-2 teaspoons in your dog’s meal to help improve the quality of their skin.

Another interesting way to use this natural remedy is to make your own dog toothpaste.

This natural toothpaste contains absolutely no fluoride – which is toxic to dogs.

Homemade Dog Toothpaste

Ingredients :

1.5 teaspoons low-sodium beef broth (can be substituted with chicken or vegetable broth)

1 tablespoon hot water

6 tablespoons baking soda

½ teaspoon cinnamon

1/3 cup coconut oil

Instructions :

Step 1 – In a small bowl, crumble the beef broth and dissolve it with a tablespoon of hot water.

Step 2 – Next add the baking soda to the broth.

Step 3 – Mix the coconut oil and cinnamon powder into the mixture and mix until smooth.

Step 4 – Store the toothpaste in an airtight container.

The abrasive nature of baking soda will help dislodge plaque and food particles from your dog’s teeth. You can also substitute a sprig of freshly ground parsley for the cinnamon powder. Parsley is a great natural deodorizer.

Store it at room temperature for two to three weeks or in the refrigerator to extend its shelf life.

If you store it in the refrigerator, you will need to let it come to room temperature otherwise the mixture will be tough.


4. Hemp: Benefits & Recipe for dogs

Against stress & anxiety, painkiller, anti-inflammatory… CBD, a component derived from hemp, has many benefits for dogs and is a truly powerful natural remedy.

This is why so many dog ​​owners buy CBD dog treats .

But did you know that you can make your own CBD-enriched dog treats at home? Here’s a healthy, multi-benefit recipe that combines CBD with the 3 ingredients below: coconut oil, honey, and turmeric.

These no-cook dog treats are perfect for dogs suffering from inflammatory conditions, pain or anxiety.

CBD, Pumpkin & Turmeric Dog Treats

Ingredients for 14 treats

2 cups pumpkin puree*

3 tablespoons of honey

2 cups oatmeal

3 teaspoons of Indian Saffron

3 tablespoons coconut oil

CBD Oil Vaporization (depending on your dog’s weight and issue. Check out our CBD Dog Dosage Calculator here >)

½ teaspoon black pepper

* Make sure the pumpkin puree is pure, with no added preservatives or sweeteners. Be especially careful to avoid xylitol, a common sweetener that is extremely toxic to dogs, even in small doses.

Instructions :

Step 1 – Mix pumpkin, honey, turmeric, coconut oil and black pepper in a bowl until well combined.

Step 2 – Add the oats. You may want to add more or less oats to get it to the right consistency. The mixture should resemble a cookie dough consistency.

Step 3 – Line a small baking sheet with parchment paper. Cut equal pieces of cookie dough and roll them into balls. A melon baller or ice cream scoop might be helpful. You can make 14 balls of this mixture, but the final number depends on the size of the balls.

Step 4 – Now it’s time to add the CBD. The amount you add depends on how much your dog needs. Assuming your dogs need one spray of CBD per day, add one spray to each treat and feed them this treat once a day. If you’re not sure what dosage to use, check out our CBD Oil Dosage for Dogs tool .

Step 5 – Place the balls in the refrigerator to harden. This should take 15 minutes.

They can be refrigerated for about two weeks.

So, since you have 14 treats that last about two weeks, you can give your dog one a day, every day!

Want to buy a natural CBD oil ? Visit the Botaneo online store >

5. Citrus fruits: Benefits & Recipes for dogs

Indeed, citrus fruits are ingredients that your dog will not like, especially since they have a strong odor. But guess what? Fleas also hate the scent of citrus fruits!

So the next time you peel oranges or use lemons in a recipe, save the peels and use them in this natural flea remedy for dogs.

Natural Citrus Flea Spray

Ingredients :

3 to 5 thin slices of lime and orange peel

1 cup of water

½ cup apple cider vinegar

Instructions :

Step 1 – Add the lime and orange peels to the water and bring to a boil.

Step 2 – Transfer everything to a bowl, and cover with plastic wrap. Let the liquid steep overnight.

Step 3 – Remove the peels from the bowl and add the white vinegar. Pour the cooled liquid into a spray bottle. The spray bottle is now ready to use.


This homemade flea spray is convenient and effective when combined with other natural flea prevention measures such as regular bathing, grooming, and frequent washing of your dog’s bed.

Another tip! You can also spray the mixture on furniture and objects that your dog loves to chew on. The smell of the mixture will keep your dog away.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar: Benefits & Recipe for Dogs

Apple cider vinegar is a type of vinegar made from fermented apples .

Bacteria are then added to produce acetic acid – an active compound found in vinegar. We find that unfiltered apple cider vinegar offers a lot of benefits, especially thanks to the “mother.”

The “Mother” of vinegar is the result of the fermentation process and considered the most valuable part of apple cider vinegar as it is extremely nutritious for both dogs and humans.

Besides being known to contain B vitamins , it is also a rich source of iron, prebiotics and potassium.

Be careful though, apple cider vinegar is acidic by nature. If your dog’s system is already too acidic, consuming apple cider vinegar may not be suitable for him.

Apple cider vinegar benefits dogs whose systems lean more toward alkalinity.

A pH paper test can be done with your dog’s first pee of the morning to get an idea of ​​the acidity.

Apple cider vinegar can be added directly to your dog’s food at a rate of one teaspoon per 15 kg of dog weight.

Feel free to start with a smaller amount and gradually increase.

Apple cider vinegar is also a well-known mild disinfectant and cleaner.

If your dog has itchy skin , dirty ears or won’t stop biting his paws, try this super simple solution that will help relieve the itching.

Multi-Purpose Apple Cider Vinegar Spray for Dogs

Ingredients :

½ cup water

½ cup apple cider vinegar

Instructions :

Mix the two liquids together.

You can use this natural remedy in different ways. For example, you can clean your dog’s ears with cotton balls soaked in the solution or apply these cottons to your dog’s inflamed and itchy areas.

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