The Best Calming Dog Treats

Is your dog suffering from stress , agitation , pain ? Then you may be looking for the best calming dog treats .

And we understand you! As dog parents we always look for the best for our companions.

Especially since sometimes, conventional medications are not suitable… or no longer suitable.

Too many side effects, difficult to administer… Calming dog treats then appear to be the best alternative for our dogs.

Effectiveness, taste, benefits… Here is our opinion on the best calming treats for dogs, BotaLicious .


The Best Calming Treats for Dogs: Hemp, the Secret to Their Effectiveness

The secret to the effectiveness of the best calming dog treats lies in the hemp plant , and more specifically its extract, Cannabidiol or CBD .

Calming and soothing , CBD is now recognized for its many natural benefits on animal well-being.

A reason that pushes many dog ​​owners to turn to this hemp extract to relieve their companion in a gentle and natural way .


The Best Calming Dog Treats: A Gentle Alternative for Our Companions

Bad for the liver, kidneys…. Unfortunately, conventional medications sometimes come with their share of side effects.

To avoid this, more and more dog owners are turning to more natural solutions that are less harmful to their companion’s health.

CBD is one of these alternatives that is both healthy and effective .

Extracted from the hemp plant, this cannabinoid acts on the endocannabinoid system of dogs, reinforcing the action of cannabinoids naturally present in their body.

But what is the endocannabinoid system for in dogs?

The endocannabinoid system of dogs plays a major role in:

  • The mood
  • The appetite
  • The digestive system
  • Inflammation
  • The nervous system
  • Liver
  • The spleen
  • Lungs
  • Bones

Its objective: to maintain homeostasis, that is to say harmony.

Calming CBD dog treats thus strengthen the action of the endocannabinoid system to help maintain balance and support the various functions of the body.

Chewable treats, lickable treats , etc. Discover all the formats of these soothing dog treats on the Botaneo online store .


The Best Calming Dog Treats: What For?

BotaLicious calming dog treats are a real well-being ally thanks to the various benefits of CBD on our companions.

Calming and soothing, CBD is in fact particularly effective against:

  • Stress ( separation anxiety , phobia of thunderstorms , fireworks , etc.)
  • Pain​
  • The agitation
  • Aggression
  • Epileptic seizures
  • Nausea & Vomiting

CBD also promotes:

  • The appetite
  • Strengthening defenses
  • Mobility​

And much more. Scientific studies in recent years have continued to reveal the virtues of CBD on the health of dogs, but also humans, cats and all mammals with an endocannabinoid system.

The Best Calming Dog Treats: Who Are They For?

Many dogs can therefore benefit from the benefits of these calming treats.

Calming Treats & Senior Dogs

As dogs age, they unfortunately develop various health problems, including joint problems.

Is your dog having trouble moving ? Suffering from osteoarthritis ? BotaLicious calming treats will relieve your companion naturally thanks to the benefits of CBD.

Calming Treats & Stressed Dogs

There are many factors that can stress our dogs temporarily or over time.

These may include:

  • Environmental (moving, arrival of a new animal, etc.)
  • Linked to the dog’s past (trauma, mistreatment , etc.)
  • Linked to phobias (storms, fear of the veterinarian , etc.)

Excessive barking , compulsive behavior, aggression… these sources of stress can then cause a certain number of undesirable symptoms and endanger your dog’s life.

BotaLicious Calming Treats can be a support to help dogs control their anxieties and phobias.

They will calm your dog naturally so that he relaxes and can face challenges with more serenity.

Calming Treats & Sick Dogs

Cancer , epilepsy, dementia … Like humans, dogs can suffer from many illnesses .

Not to mention the injuries and other ailments that punctuate the lives of our companions.

BotaLicious Calming Dog Treats provide relief and metabolism to help dogs combat the aggression they face.


The best calming treats: As delicious as they are beneficial!

Dogs do not always understand that we want to help them and it is often complicated to administer medication or treatment to them.

To make this easier, BotaLicious calming treats combine the benefits of nature and deliciousness thanks to their chicken-rich recipe.

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