How can CBD help my dog ​​sleep?

Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD , has become a topic of increasing interest in the world of veterinary care, particularly for its beneficial effects on dogs’ sleep.

However, it is important to note that CBD should not be considered a medication or sleeping pill for dogs . It is a natural supplement that can promote falling asleep and restful sleep. But unlike some more aggressive drug treatments, which can have serious side effects and disrupt dogs’ metabolism, CBD presents itself as a gentler and more natural alternative for sleep management.

Here’s how CBD can help improve our canine companions’ sleep.


CBD: A sleeping pill for dogs?

Dogs, like humans, have an endocannabinoid system that plays a vital role in maintaining body balance. This system regulates various physiological functions, including mood, pain, appetite, and sleep.

CBD, a natural compound extracted from hemp plants, interacts with this system, which may provide several health benefits for dogs, including regulating sleep and reducing anxiety.

Although CBD is sometimes touted as a natural alternative to sleeping pills, it is important to understand that it works differently. CBD is not a sleeping pill and is not made up of chemical compounds.

Although it may help promote more peaceful sleep, it should be considered a dietary supplement. It is not a medication designed to treat or cure sleep disorders.

While CBD offers potential benefits for improving sleep quality in dogs, understanding its nature and limitations is essential to ensuring the safety and well-being of your pet.

Here’s why using CBD to help your dog sleep better may be helpful.


My Dog Can’t Sleep: 8 Reasons to Use CBD

Although it is not a sleeping pill for dogs, CBD can be used to promote restful sleep and help people fall asleep naturally.


1. Stress: CBD May Improve Sleep in Dogs with Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can seriously disrupt dogs’ sleep. CBD has been recognized for its calming properties, helping to reduce anxiety and promote a more relaxed state of mind, especially in the face of:

  • Separation anxiety
  • Fear of change
  • Stress from loud noises like thunderstorms
  • Phobias

If your dog isn’t sleeping at night because he’s scared, worried, or anxious, CBD can help your dog sleep better and alleviate stress-related sleep disturbances.

🩺 Key Study : A 2019 study published in “The Permanent Journal” showed that CBD improved sleep scores in individuals with anxiety. Specifically, researchers found that sleep scores improved in 67% of recipients and anxiety decreased by almost 80%. 


2. Pain: CBD may help dogs in pain sleep better

Pain can prevent a dog from sleeping peacefully.

For years, veterinarians have prescribed anti-inflammatory medications to relieve dogs from pain, especially joint pain, but these often cause serious side effects when administered ( volarene for dogs, etc. ).

To avoid these inconveniences, many dog ​​parents are now using CBD as an alternative.

CBD, known for its calming properties, can help alleviate pain , allowing for more comfortable and restful sleep.

🩺 Relevant Study : Cornell University’s clinical study of 22 dogs with arthritis found that a treatment of 2 mg of CBD per kilogram, administered twice daily, can significantly reduce their chronic pain. 


3. Itching: CBD may alleviate sleep disturbances related to itching

Allergies can cause itching and discomfort, disrupting dogs’ sleep. CBD has anti-inflammatory effects that can relieve these symptoms.

🩺 Scientific Evidence : In a study by CannPal , an Australian animal therapy company, a CBD product was tested to treat atopy in dogs, a skin allergy that causes itching and chewing. The results were promising, with 65% of dogs treated with CBD showing at least a 50% reduction in symptoms, and half of them no longer showing any signs of itching during treatment. 


4. Neurological Disorders: CBD may improve sleep in cases of epilepsy and seizures

CBD has shown promising effects in reducing the frequency and severity of seizures in dogs , which may indirectly improve their sleep quality.

In fact, seizures are a major source of stress for dogs, which can prevent them from sleeping.

🩺 Promising Research : According to a University of Colorado study on CBD oil as a treatment for seizures, most dogs that received CBD treatment showed a decrease in seizures.

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