Hemp oil for dogs: Reviews, Benefits, Dosage

Animal welfare is at the heart of concerns today.

With the emergence of natural methods to care for our four-legged friends, hemp oil for dogs is gaining popularity.

But what are its real benefits for our dogs? What are the precautions to take and side effects? How to calculate the right dosage? And how does it differ from CBD oil, which has also become very popular?

Let’s shed some light on these points together by looking at some opinions from veterinarians as well as opinions from dog parents.

Goal? Help you buy the best hemp oil for dogs !


What is hemp oil for dogs?

Classic hemp oil for dogs is identical to hemp oil intended for human consumption .

Unless it is a hemp oil for dogs enriched with CBD , vitamins, turmeric or even flavored with a taste that our animals appreciate, the hemp oils for dogs sold in stores are no different from those in our kitchens.

So be careful to differentiate between hemp oil for dogs and CBD hemp oil.

Some brands play on words and pass off their classic hemp oils as CBD oils (therefore soothing and calming oils ) in order to increase their price .

This is often the case on marketplaces like Amazon.

⚠️ Please note: On Amazon, no brand can sell CBD hemp oil, as Amazon refuses to sell oils containing CBD. Brands mentioning CBD on their products are therefore fraudulent and do not actually contain any.


Hemp oil for dogs

Regular hemp oil contains only hemp oil and is completely different from CBD-enriched hemp oil.

It is usually found in bottle format (like cooking oil) or in a can .

Hemp oil is extracted from the seeds of the industrial hemp plant , Cannabis sativa.

It is a “classic” vegetable oil, devoid of active substance , in the same way as coconut oil or olive oil .

Although interesting from a nutritional point of view, it therefore has no medicinal benefit, and therefore no therapeutic virtue .

The most common and respectful method of extraction of hemp oil’s nutritional properties is cold pressing extraction .

Hemp seed oil is generally considered a superfood for dogs along with cod liver oil but will not provide all the benefits of CBD oil (anti-stress, etc.).

Nutritional information

Classic hemp oil (extracted from hemp seeds) is often praised for its nutritional richness , providing an array of nutrients beneficial to the health of dogs.

Hemp seed is indeed a valuable source of:

  • essential fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6,
  • minerals (iron, zinc, magnesium),
  • vitamins ( E , B1, B2),
  • of fibers ,
  • of antioxidants,
  • of highly digestible essential amino acids (edestin and albumin).


The strength of hemp oil for dogs lies in its perfect balance of essential fatty acids. 1

1. Skin and coat

Hemp oil is known to deeply hydrate the skin .

In dogs, it can help combat skin irritations , dryness or even itching .

🎓Veterinarian Joana Garrido’s Review 2 : “ The omega fatty acids in hemp oil are known for their ability to rejuvenate the skin and coat of dogs and cats, much like coconut oil. They moisturize the skin’s surface and help stimulate hair growth. For this reason, hemp oil for dogs is commonly used to treat a variety of canine dermatological issues such as hair loss, flaky skin, and dandruff .”

2. Inflammation

For older dogs or dogs with joint pain, hemp oil can offer natural relief thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Hemp seed oil can actually act as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent due to its balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. 3

🎓 Researchers from the Journal of Arthritis and Rheumatology also noted during their research 4 that GLA, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, present in hemp seeds reduces arthritis symptoms by 25% .

3. Immune system

The essential fatty acids found in hemp oil help strengthen the immune system, allowing your dog to better resist illness .

Hemp oil for dogs can therefore be a good dietary supplement during changes of season or environment, in order to support the weakened metabolism of dogs.

Methods of Administration

Hemp oil can be added to your dog’s food , applied directly to their skin , or mixed with other dog care products , such as shampoos, if you want to add softness and shine to your pet’s coat.

Dosage & Directions

If you want to use hemp oil for dogs orally, the appropriate dosage of hemp oil for your dog will depend on his weight and the desired effect.

🎓 Specialist Joanne Keenan recommends in Dogs Naturally 6 magazine to “ give 1 teaspoon for a small dog and up to 1 tablespoon for large dogs”. She also recommends starting small, mixed into their meal.


Although hemp oil is widely recognized as safe and beneficial for dogs, it is imperative to pay attention to the quality of the product.

Choose a high quality hemp oil, organic if possible, and free of pesticides.

Also start with a small dose to see how your dog reacts to it.

Additionally, regular monitoring and consultation with the veterinarian ensures safe and effective use.

Side effects

Although hemp oil for dogs is generally not dangerous and does not cause any major side effects, it is possible that your dog may be sensitive to it and react negatively to it.

Some of the side effects of oral hemp oil for dogs include:

  • Vomiting,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Flatulence,
  • Sign of discomfort,
  • Lethargy.

When used topically , side effects of hemp oil for dogs include:

  • Itching,
  • Redness,
  • Plates.


The price of a quality hemp oil is between 15 and 20 euros.

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