Dog Licking Mat: Benefits, Action, Recipe

There are many dog ​​toys to keep you occupied, but one has stood out for some time now: the  lick mat, lickimat or lickmat .
Against  stress , anxiety, boredom… This  licking game  for dogs is indeed full of advantages and benefits for our canines.
So how to use it? Why? How to choose the best lickimat? What recipes and lickable treats to add on it?
We take a look at the famous dog licking mat that is massively winning the hearts (and taste buds) of our canines.

Dog Lick Mat: Overview

The lick mat is a toy designed to occupy and stimulate our pets, both dogs and cats. 
It is a  food enrichment game , like Kong.
It comes in the form of a  textured mat made of food-grade rubber or silicone , and traps food, so dogs’ super-sensitive tongues can scavenge for all the tasty bits.
Many enrichment mats also  have suction cups,  so they can be attached to any surface (car window, bathroom wall, etc.)
The main purpose of this accessory is to enrich  your dog’s  environment in order to promote calm behavior .
Dogs love to lick, so this is a  fun and tasty game that keeps your dog occupied in your  absence , during a  stressful event  or during a  moment of boredom  (car journey, veterinary consultation, etc.)
It’s also a great way to give your dog a treat without overfeeding him.
A few spoonfuls of plain yogurt, for example, will give your dog plenty of time to enjoy it,  without risking weight gain . 
With the lickimat, your dog’s lick treats last longer than any chew treat.
But that’s not all… The benefits of the lick mat are not limited to that… Discover the many advantages of the lickmat below. 

Dog Lick Mat: A Response to an Instinct

Licking behavior is   a  natural and instinctive behavior  in our pets.
It is a way for them to analyze their environment, but not only that.
Your dog’s tongue has endless functions and is as valuable to them as our eyes and ears.
It is used in particular to:

1. Exploration

By licking elements of their environment, our dogs  collect information  about what is around them (who was there, how long ago, is a pretty female nearby?…)  

2. Hygiene

Dogs like  to clean themselves  by licking themselves, just like cats. 

3. Oral health 

Saliva, containing  antibacterial agents , helps maintain the hygiene of the tongue, teeth and gums. It also protects enamel and promotes good  breath .

4. Appeasement

Repressed stress  can  be expressed in the form of licking.
“ The repetitive action of licking has been shown to release endorphins in the brain, which in turn cause a calming effect (in cats and dogs ),” explains Sarah Hodgson, a certified trainer and behavior consultant . 1
Warning  : excessive licking is a  behavioral disorder  that can be linked to excessive  anxiety . It is therefore an outlet to be monitored.

5. Digestion 

By licking, your dog produces saliva which can  aid digestion .

6. Love

Of course, dogs also enjoy licking us to show that they love us. It is a  display of affection  similar to our kisses.
The lick mat therefore responds to a natural behavior. And more than that, it responds to a certain number of needs.

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