CBD for aggressive cats: Reviews and Uses

Cats are relatively calm animals that can, however, be very aggressive towards their owners.

Faced with this behavior, it is natural to wonder why they suddenly become aggressive?

Some of the main causes of aggression in cats include fear, stress and pain.

To relieve them, many pet parents are now using CBD (Cannabidiol) .

Because yes, the virtues and benefits of this hemp extract are not limited to human beings.

So what is CBD? How does aggression manifest in cats and how to calm them down with CBD? Why and how to give CBD to aggressive cats ? What are the opinions?

Focus on the benefits of CBD on aggressive cats as well as its use .


What is CBD?

Before looking at the benefits of CBD for aggressive cats, here is a short presentation of this increasingly popular remedy.

CBD, also called cannabidiol, is a substance derived from hemp/cannabis that positively impacts the well-being of humans and certain animals, including cats.

This hemp extract is used in the manufacture of many natural soothing and calming products.

Many studies have also been conducted to confirm its benefits on animals.

Relaxing, anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory … CBD has not finished making people talk about it.

Is CBD a drug?

Being a natural molecule of cannabis, CBD has long been confused with a drug, which is however not the case.

In fact, it is not psychoactive (unlike THC contained in recreational cannabis), and does not cause addiction or major side effects .

It is also legal and recognized as “ safe ” by the WHO.

Over the counter , CBD for animals can now be found in veterinary practices, pet stores and also CBD shops.

Are cats sensitive to the effects of CBD?

Mammals, including humans, dogs and cats, have an endocannabinoid system in their bodies that allows them to benefit from the many virtues of cannabidiol.

Thanks to the interaction of CBD with this system which regulates many functions, cannabidiol allows:

  • Reducing discomfort in cats
  • Relieve their stress levels
  • Reduce their aggressiveness
  • Limit excessive meowing
  • Alleviate scratching
  • Relieve sleep disorders


Aggression in cats

Before looking at how CBD can help aggressive cats, it is important to understand aggression in cats.

How does cat aggression manifest itself?

Signs of aggression in cats include:

  • The escape
  • The paw strokes
  • The bites
  • Tendency to spit and whistle
  • Tendency to hide
  • Tendency to attack objects, people or other animals
  • Tail movements
  • Big eyes to show annoyance

Causes of aggression in cats

To calm an aggressive cat appropriately, it is essential to understand the cause.

Among them, we can cite:

1. Pain

Cats become aggressive for several reasons. The first is pain .

When cats have a health problem, they can’t express it like humans do.

All they can do to make themselves understood is meow, bite or scratch.

These usually calm and gentle animals can also be very aggressive out of fear of being touched in a painful area, or because someone has touched a painful area.

2. Stress & Anxiety

Car trips and visits to the vet are examples of situations that negatively influence cats’ moods. They generate great stress in them, which can make them very aggressive.

A change in routine or a change in environment/home can also make the feline nervous. Cats are animals of routine who have a little trouble with novelty.

Animals that have difficulty socializing and those that have been mistreated by their previous owners may also show aggression towards their new owners, or towards other animals.

3. Territory & Instinct

Cats can also become aggressive when in conflict with other cats , or with other household pets.

They are beings who like to mark their territory and who hate it when people intrude into their space, which they consider personal.

They can also become aggressive through predation , that is, when their predatory instincts are triggered.

4. Annoyance

Cats can also become aggressive when they feel trapped , when they are unable to move, or when they feel like they are being forcibly restrained.

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