CBD dog side effect: Will he be tired?

Hello Chloe. That’s a good question.

Many dog ​​parents wonder if their pet will be more tired with CBD and if drowsiness is a side effect .

So, are the side effects of CBD for dogs fatigue and drowsiness? To what extent will CBD change your companion’s behavior? What are the side effects encountered ? What are the risks of overdose? Let’s see together what it is.


What are the effects of CBD on a dog?

Before discussing the side effects of CBD in dogs, here are the benefits it provides.

CBD (Cannabidiol) is a substance naturally present in the hemp plant.

Science now presents CBD as a potential treatment for anxiety disorders 1 in humans but also pets, including dogs and cats.

Recently, veterinarian Isabelle Vixège deciphered one of the latest studies on the effectiveness of CBD in dealing with canine stress , and more specifically separation anxiety , as well as stress linked to car journeys (to consult this article, click here ).

But that’s not all. Researchers also attribute calming effects to CBD on other disorders that our animals may encounter.

We can cite the famous Cornell study which reveals the effectiveness of CBD in pain management 2 .

Or the many other studies that present CBD as a solution to reduce the frequency of epileptic seizures .

CBD being calming, it is however very widely used to date against discomfort and typical behavioral problems , aggressiveness , excessive barking, destruction, stress (e.g.: phobia, storm, trauma, etc.), separation anxiety, etc.

To go further: CBD for dogs: 10 benefits for our animals


CBD Dog Side Effects: Will He Be Tired or “High”?

The imagination wants the side effects of CBD to be the alteration of the animal’s personality, drowsiness and more generally apathy.

So will your pet still want to play with you? Will he be sleeping all the time ? Will he be the same?

There is a lot of confusion between CBD and recreational cannabis which contains THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

Although both are related to the hemp plant, CBD is a different extract than THC, one of the side effects of which is indeed drowsiness and even altered personality.

Why? Because THC is the psychotropic molecule that will get you high, and therefore the molecule sought after in recreational cannabis.

CBD, on the other hand, is non-psychotropic . Getting “high” is not one of its side effects.

CBD works by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system to soothe and calm anxiety naturally and gently, without altering behavior .

It acts on dogs as a natural sedative , without changing the animal’s personality, making it no longer react or sleeping all the time.

Unlike THC or other veterinary sedatives with harmful side effects, CBD will not alter your pet’s personality or fitness .

Likewise, compared to anti-inflammatories for dogs which sometimes cause serious side effects, CBD can prove to be a gentler alternative (to be validated with your veterinarian).

NSAIDs or strong anxiolytics are indeed known for their sometimes serious side effects, particularly on the liver or intestinal flora. They are also known to cause digestive disorders as well as weaken the immune system.

CBD, beyond not being aggressive, can alleviate certain undesirable effects of veterinary treatments (nausea, discomfort, loss of appetite , etc.). This is why it can sometimes be recommended in parallel with taking this type of medication.


List of side effects of CBD for dogs

A recent study found that CBD is well tolerated in dogs, even over time 3 . During this study, no adverse effects were observed.

” The researchers’ result is clear: Yes, CBD is well tolerated in the long term by healthy adult dogs ,” summarizes Dr. Isabelle Vixège ( read the article ).

However, even though CBD does not have any major side effects, some minor adverse effects have been observed:

Dry Mouth: CBD can decrease saliva production. This side effect will increase your dog’s thirst.
Lower blood pressure: This can cause dizziness, but is not life-threatening to your dog.
Drowsiness: Due to the calming effect, slight drowsiness may also occur without putting your dog to sleep or impairing his attention.
Also, your pet’s sensitivity to certain ingredients may play a role in causing side effects.

CBD products often contain other ingredients to make them appetizing, ingredients to which your dog may be allergic or intolerant .

So if your pet is allergic to beef and you have purchased a CBD oil for dogs that contains it, your companion may experience side effects such as vomiting or diarrhea, linked to his intolerance, without CBD being the cause.

This is why it is essential to read the list of ingredients before giving a product containing CBD, and to ask your veterinarian for validation beforehand.

Read also: CBD for Animals: What are the dangers & risks?


CBD Side Effects for Dogs: Possible Addiction?

Unlike anti-inflammatories and some heavy medications, CBD does not cause addiction.

Addiction is not a side effect of CBD for dogs, so you can stop using it at any time without any withdrawal or withdrawal reactions.


CBD dog side effect: How to avoid CBD dog overdose?

As Thierry Bedossa recalls in his article published in April 2021 in the Dépêche Vétérinaire; “ the potential toxic effects of CBD have been extensively studied and their level has been assessed to be relatively low, even at high doses (10 mg of CBD/kg) ” 4 .

Overdosing on CBD is therefore almost impossible , and in fact no deaths have been recorded to date following the ingestion of CBD for dogs.

However, it is recommended to follow the recommended dose to fully enjoy the benefits of cannabidiol and avoid side effects.

The consensus is that the ideal dosage is 2 mg/kg to 2.5 mg/kg twice daily for the management of anxiety, chronic pain, and epilepsy.

However, it is advisable to start with a lower dose .

For a tailor-made dosage , adapted to the specificities of your canine, use an online calculator .

Take the test, find out the right dosage for your pet : CBD dog dosage


CBD side effects for dogs: No “high”, but benefits against sleep disorders

The side effects of CBD do not include making your dog high, or feeling different. However, even if cannabidiol does not make your dog extremely tired during the day, CBD can help with sleep disturbances.

Many people already use this hemp extract to combat insomnia and improve the quality of their sleep.

And science validates…

In a 2019 study on the effects of CBD on sleep and anxiety, researchers found that sleep scores improved in 67% of recipients .

Another animal study in 2013 found that cannabidiol significantly increased total sleep time in subjects receiving the molecule.

So why is it so effective at night?

Because CBD does not act directly on sleep, but on the reasons that disrupt it.

Sleep disorders are often due to anxiety, periods of stress or pain present at the time of sleeping. Who has never experienced sleepless nights because of an important professional meeting the next day or muscle pain? It is the same for dogs and cats.

Since CBD can combat stress and discomfort, it allows for deep sleep at night, without making your dog tired during the day.


CBD will help soothe anxiety

Knowing that dogs also suffer from anxiety, CBD can help promote restful sleep in our companions, by calming stress , often linked to:

  • Phobia
  • Change of routine
  • Separation
  • Arrival of a new member in the family
  • Veterinary visit
  • Journey

By helping your companion get through these stressful situations more serenely, CBD will naturally help them sleep better .

Also read: CBD, a solution for stressed dogs


CBD will relieve discomfort

Some research5 has found that CBD works on pain related to injury, illness, or inflammation.

This is the case, for example, with arthritis 6 . CBD will calm the discomfort linked to the disease and help improve the animal’s mobility. And a dog that does not suffer is a dog that sleeps better.

In short, CBD does not provide a drowsiness effect but will act on certain problems that prevent your dog from sleeping. By relieving it, CBD will allow it to regain quality sleep, without agitation.

To go further: CBD for dogs against pain: A good idea?

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