CBD, a solution for stressed dogs

Stress is a physical and /or psychological disturbance/tension due to an event or situation experienced as an aggression.

This reaction is not exclusive to humans, it also occurs in our four-legged friends.

In dogs, more specifically, stress is very often caused by a major change in the animal’s routine.

Natural solutions , such as CBD for dogs , can effectively combat canine stress. The point in this article.


Stressed dog: Understanding to act

Symptoms of Stress in Dogs

Before discussing CBD for stressed dogs, it is important to learn to recognize the symptoms of stress in dogs , in order not only to identify a possible source of stress, but also to quickly put in place an effective solution to relieve the stressed animal.

As a general rule, a canine subject to stress will tend to have a:

  • Rapid or gasping breathing
  • Pupil dilation
  • Hairs standing on end
  • Sudden change in behavior: the dog runs away, circles, hides or becomes aggressive
  • Excessive barking
  • Agitation, chills, tremors
  • Hypersalivation
  • Nervous lip licking

A stressed dog can also develop hygiene problems: it loses all or part of its acquired cleanliness and can adopt destructive behavior.

The quality of his sleep may also be disturbed: your companion sleeps less well than before.

Stress also impacts the eating behavior of dogs. We generally observe bulimia (excessive hunger) or, on the contrary, anorexia (loss or decrease in appetite).

Think you’ve heard it all? The harmful effects of stress on dogs don’t stop there. In some cases, the animal’s thirst is also disturbed, Fido sweats from his paws and shows a lack of concentration. Finally, digestive disorders (diarrhea, vomiting) can also occur.

Whether in humans or in cats and dogs, stress is not to be taken lightly, because this disorder can have serious physical and psychological repercussions.

Causes of Stress in Dogs

Once you know how to spot the symptoms and before using CBD for stress, it is essential to identify the cause.

As we have just seen, canine stress – like cat or human stress – triggers a set of reactions which are sometimes physiological and/or psychological means that our little balls of fur implement in order to adapt to a specific event or to a supposed or real aggression.

According to veterinary literature, the most common causes of stress in dogs are:

  • Changes in the animal’s daily routine (moving, traveling, new work schedules for the owner, etc.) 
  • Changes in the adoptive family home (divorce of spouses, death, arrival of a new member in the family: newborn, adult, cat or dog, etc.) 
  • Loud noises (fireworks, firecrackers, gunshots, thunderstorms, often responsible for stress peaks) 
  • Unfamiliar odors 
  • Separation anxiety/fear of abandonment 
  • Past trauma/bad experiences 
  • Failed socialization (the dog becomes stressed in the presence of humans or other dogs) 
  • Phobias (e.g. going to the vet, driving) 
  • Feeling of insecurity/conflicting family environment 
  • Pain related to illness 
  • Inadequate diet 
  • Boredom or loneliness/lack of walks, physical activities and/or mental stimulation.

Genetics and breed of dog are also sometimes pointed out. Thus, small dog breeds, such as the Chihuahua , the Poodle, the Cavalier King Charles, the English Cocker Spaniel, the Italian Greyhound, the Bichon Frise, would be more exposed to stress than others.

Treating Stress in Dogs

How to treat stress in dogs  ? The first thing to do is, of course, to identify the elements that are potentially stressful for our dog and to try, as much as possible, to eliminate them.

A suitable, harmonious and stable living environment is the basis for the development of our canine companions. This must take into account the character of the animal, its breed and its individual specificities (age, health situation, etc.).

To be happy and in perfect health (physical health, mental health), dogs need to move and learn. This involves outdoor walks, physical or sporting activities, but also exercises that challenge the cognitive functions of our best friends.

To be combined with this routine, natural products , including CBD for dogs, known for its soothing properties .


Stressed Dog: CBD as a Calming Solution

CBD , or cannabidiol, is a component found naturally in the hemp plant.

Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), this organic substance does not produce any psychotropic effects, but contains therapeutic virtues , recognized and exploited for years, even by the scientific community.

How does CBD relieve dog stress?

Numerous scientific studies* have highlighted the therapeutic benefits of CBD on stressed or anxious animals.

According to medical research, this natural anti-stress ally of humans, felines and canines contributes to the reduction of cortisol, also called the stress hormone.

Concretely, thanks to its effect against dog stress, cannabidiol acts in concert with the endocannabinoid system to:

  • Control the release of cortisol 
  • Calming Canine Anxiety 
  • Reduce stress gently 
  • Improve mood naturally 
  • Relax the animal sustainably

Thanks to its calming action, it relieves the symptoms of stress including:

  • Aggressiveness
  • Excessive barking
  • Escape & Hiding Tendency
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Hustle
  • Muscle tension
  • Vomiting & Diarrhea

This 100% natural product improves the quality of life of our little 4-legged friends by helping them to cope with situations of excessive nervous tension, trauma, anxiety or by allowing them to better adapt to a new environment.

CBD is a healthy solution that you should definitely add to your pooch’s range of canine products.

Importantly, it should be noted that CBD oil for dogs does not relieve you of your responsibilities as a master. This natural sedative should simply be part of an arsenal of things to do with/or offer to your pet in order to protect it as much as possible from sources of stress and to effectively meet its natural needs.

Also, don’t imagine that you can now leave your dog home alone for long periods of time by simply giving him cannabidiol to look after his physical and mental health. No. In addition to CBD, be there for your companion, stimulate him, make him do canine exercises, pamper him!

When to give CBD to a stressed dog?

Calming and soothing, CBD can be an excellent natural solution to relax your dog, faced with:

  • Generalized stress & anxiety
  • Stressful event (trauma, bereavement, etc.)
  • A phobia (thunderstorm, fireworks, car, veterinarian)
  • Change of habit
  • Separation anxiety

But the benefits of CBD for dogs don’t stop there. Thanks to its comprehensive action, it can indeed improve the quality of life of many animals, including those suffering from discomfort, mobility or age-related problems, as well as illness, which is often a source of stress.

How to administer CBD to a stressed dog?

The modalities of administering CBD to a stressed dog depend on the type of stress.

In the case of episodic or temporary stress (this is the case when the physical or nervous shock is due to a fleeting factor, such as a storm or a visit to the vet), it is advisable to give this anti-stress to the animal as a stressful event approaches, i.e. 30 minutes before.

In the case of generalized or chronic stress (e.g. separation anxiety, fear of abandonment), a CBD treatment is best suited.

The only requirement: scrupulously respect the dosage prescribed by the supplier, in both cases.

What dosage of CBD for a stressed dog?

Dosage depends on a number of factors, including weight, age, severity and type of symptoms.

To make it easier to calculate dosage, a free algorithm exists online. To find out the ideal dosage for your pet, click here .

In what form should CBD be given to a stressed dog?

Increasingly popular with dog owners, CBD for animals – dogs and cats – is available in several forms.

You have the choice between delicious calming treats, easy to give to your companion, and CBD oil, just as easy to administer. We also find other forms of natural anti-stress products (spray, balm) based on CBD on the market.

For best quality, we recommend selecting a brand that is specially formulated to ensure the physical and mental well-being as well as the health of our charming 4-legged friends.

Botaneo for example is a brand exclusively intended for animals, and recommended by veterinarians. The brand offers a wide range of products based on CBD grown at the foot of the Alps.

To test CBD for stressed dogs and discover the different products available, click here .

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