Cat calming advice: Feliway spray or Botaneo spray

The cat has a great sensitivity which gives it an undeniable charm but which can also prove to be a source of fragility.

Very reactive to change, your cat often feels stressed when faced with daily disruptions which, for him, constitute real upheavals.

To support your pet and regulate its stress, the Botaneo and Feliway brands offer innovative products, without side effects or dependency.

More specifically, Botaneo spray and Feliway spray help your cat regain its serenity, in all circumstances.

What is the best anti-stress product? We have established a precise comparison to help you make the right choice for your cat!


Botaneo & Feliway: brands serving animal well-being

Botaneo Presentation

Botaneo is a brand that has chosen to specialize in natural well-being products for dogs and cats.

Its leitmotif? To offer natural and innovative solutions as an alternative or complement to certain traditional and anxiolytic medications, often sources of side effects in cats and dogs.

Botaneo is also the contraction of “Bota” for botany and “Neo” for new.

Today, the range can be found in veterinary practices, but also in pet stores, at animal behaviorists, educators, naturopaths, etc.

Feliway Presentation

Feliway is a French brand from the Ceva laboratory. It was created in 1996 and was first distributed by veterinary practices. As its name suggests, the Feliway brand is exclusively dedicated to cats. Its product range has expanded over the years.

Botaneo & Feliway: healthy products without side effects

Botaneo, the calming action of plants

Botaneo products use CBD, a calming hemp extract, for an anti-stress effect .

CBD is, in fact, a wonderful natural sedative for pets (cats and dogs) but also for humans.

Les effets apaisants du CBD, pour les chats et les chiens, sont renforcés par l’association de plantes connues pour leurs propriétés anti-stress, comme la valériane ou la camomille.

À noter que le CBD contenu dans les produits naturels de Botaneo présentent des avantages beaucoup plus larges qu’une action anti-stress.

Le CBD est en effet particulièrement utile contre l’inconfort et offre des propriétés rééquilibrantes pour l’organisme.

Il renforce enfin le système immunitaire du chat et lui offre confort, équilibre et bien-être global.

A lire aussi : CBD pour chat : 7 Bienfaits & Avantages

Feliway, une phéromone synthétique apaisante

Feliway tire son action calmante de la reproduction synthétique de la fraction F3, phéromone faciale naturellement présente chez le chat.


Botaneo & Feliway: Calming sprays

1. Botaneo calming spray

The calming spray for cats is the most concentrated product in the range. Its natural composition is healthy and focuses on the essentials: salmon oil rich in Omega-3 and CBD , a natural calming hemp extract.

How to use it ?

Botaneo spray is to be ingested. It can therefore be sprayed in the cat’s mouth, on its food or on its pads so that the cat licks the oil naturally.

One of the advantages of the spray is that you can benefit from a tailor-made dosage thanks to the brand’s free dosage calculator.

This algorithm takes into account the specificities of the animal (age, weight, symptoms, etc.) so that the cat can fully benefit from the soothing effect of the oil.

Want to know the ideal dosage for your cat? Click here .

When to use it?

Botaneo spray is particularly effective in situations that can cause stress in animals.

It could be a change in the cat’s daily life such as a move, the arrival of a baby or a new animal in the home.

It could also be a separation such as the owners going on holiday or a temporarily stressful environment such as noisy work being carried out near the house.

Urine marking, meowing, agitation, scratching… cat behaviors linked to stress can thus be relieved thanks to Botaneo calming oil.

A soothing natural solution, the spray can also be used in cases of minor aches and discomforts.

A true well-being ally, it can be used in cases of:

  • Episodic or generalized stress
  • Phobia (noise, veterinary, etc.)
  • Aggressiveness
  • Scratches and bites
  • Urine marking
  • Tendency to hide
  • Sleep disorder
  • Discomfort & mobility
  • Signs of aging

Please note that Botaneo spray can be offered to cats in anticipation of a stressful situation such as a visit to the vet but in the event of anxious behavior in the cat.

2. Feliway Calming Spray

Feliway spray artificially mimics cat pheromones to soothe cats.

How to use it ?

Feliway spray offers the calming effect of the F3 fraction which can also be used through a diffuser. It is thus possible to exploit its benefits for a room in the house.

Usually, this type of pheromone is deposited by the cat in its environment (furniture, cushions, walls, etc.) to make it welcoming and soothing.

When to use it?

Synthetic reproduction of the F3 fraction, the “well-being hormone”, helps reduce signs of stress in cats during transport , for example.

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