Author Archives: Md. Mahiuddin

Non-prescription cat tranquilizer: Top 6

If you have a cat, chances are you’ve at least once found him anxious, stressed....

Valerian for cats: benefits, advice, dangers

Want to use valerian for cats ? But why? Cats are very friendly and endearing....

Stress in cats: Understanding & Taking action

The term stress is often associated with harm and health problems, when at its core,....

15 steps to a successful birthday for your dog

Your dog shows unconditional love and loyalty to your family. It is therefore normal to....

Christmas: 8 gifts for dogs to give them [2023]

With the holiday season fast approaching, the race for the best Christmas gifts is on....

Salmon Oil for Cats: 9 Benefits & Tips

Your cat is your most faithful companion and you do everything to keep him in....

Anti-inflammatories for dogs: our advice!

When a dog is in pain, it is our duty to ease their pain. And....

The Best Calming Dog Treats

Is your dog suffering from stress , agitation , pain ? Then you may be....

Sleeping pills for dogs: our advice!

Is your dog having trouble sleeping? Is he restless at night? Then maybe you should....

Glucosamine for dogs: Effect, Dosage, Contraindication

Like us, dogs can also suffer from joint problems and pain related to osteoarthritis. However,....

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