Anti-stress dog advice: Adaptil spray or Botaneo spray

Many everyday situations can generate stress in your dog. Your companion is, in fact, a being sensitive to changes, to novelty but also to your emotions.

From then on, he can quickly become anxious and even develop behavioral problems.

The solution? Natural anti-stress products that soothe your dog without subjecting him to the harmful effects of certain allopathic treatments.

Two calming products are particularly popular in this area: Adaptil spray and Botaneo spray .

How do they work? Are they really effective for your dog? Here’s what the experts say and the answers to these questions in this article.


Botaneo & Adaptil: brands specializing in animal well-being

Whether it is Botaneo or Adaptil, both brands specialize in animal well-being, each positioning itself in a specific market.

Botaneo, nature at the service of pets

No need to introduce Botaneo , this quality brand dedicated to the well-being of cats and dogs.

Botaneo has chosen to specialize in natural and innovative solutions , alternatives to anxiolytic treatments which are often heavy with side effects.

Botaneo is also the contraction of “Bota” for botany and “neo” for new.

Its calming plant-based products (such as CBD, valerian or chamomile) bring calm, serenity and balance to your pets, while contributing to their physical comfort.

In addition, CBD stimulates the immune system , ensuring better defenses for your animals.

Botaneo products can therefore be offered as a complement to veterinary treatment.

Adaptil, for pets and livestock

Adaptil is a range of calming products manufactured by Ceva Santé Animale laboratories.

This company specializes in well-being products for pets but also in medicines for farm animals (poultry, pigs and ruminants).

Botaneo & Adaptil: innovative products

Botaneo and Adaptil both offer products resulting from research and development, each in their own field; plants for Botaneo and synthetic pheromones for Adaptil.

Botaneo, CBD from hemp to calm and soothe

Botaneo relies on the latest research around the benefits of CBD for dogs and cats.

Its calming products are also controlled by independent laboratories, guaranteeing the quality and conformity of the range.

As a reminder, CBD is a natural cannabinoid that helps to compensate for imbalances in the internal endocannabinoid system (ECS) of mammals.

More specifically, the SEC regulates emotions, inflammation, learning abilities and appetite. We therefore understand that the rebalancing action of CBD will combat stress, anxiety, disorders and diseases in dogs and cats .

Note that Botaneo combines CBD with the properties of other plants such as valerian and chamomile, known for their anti-stress action.

Adaptil and synthetic pheromones

The action of the Adaptil range , from Ceva laboratories, is different since the active ingredients used are synthetic pheromones .

These molecules “mimic” the molecules naturally produced by the lactating female dog to soothe her puppies. They thus help regulate stress in weaned puppies and dogs of all ages.

Botaneo & Adaptil sprays : targeted administration methods

You’ve heard of Adaptil spray and Botaneo spray. Here’s when, how and why to use them?

How to use Botaneo spray ?

Botaneo Botacalm spray is a natural calming product that exists in a dog version and a cat version. It works when applied internally.

The spray administration method targets animals that may be resistant to ingesting new foods, but also those that suffer from dental problems or have difficulty chewing.

Botacalm spray can, in fact, be sprayed, without problem, on your dog’s and cat’s food or directly into their mouth.

A practical and easy-to-use product, it avoids “power struggles” with your dog.

When to use Botaneo spray ?

Botaneo’s calming spray can be useful before stressful situations , but also to soothe certain behavioral problems , relieve discomfort , support in the event of mobility problems, and help combat the signs of aging .

Botaneo calming spray is particularly recommended in cases of:

  • Stress and separation anxiety
  • Phobia ( transport , noise, veterinary, etc.)
  • Discomfort
  • Aggressiveness
  • Excessive barking
  • Sleep disorder

How to use Adaptil spray ?

Unlike Botaneo, Adaptil spray is a calming product that is not intended to be ingested but inhaled. It can be sprayed on the dog’s basket, in its transport crate, in its kennel or in the car.

When to use Adaptil spray?

Adaptil spray is, above all, intended to calm the anxiety of transport often present in dogs stressed during a trip .

Stress can, in fact, be major in dogs during transport by car, train or plane.

Given the product’s limited suspension time, the product should be sprayed 15 minutes before introducing the dog into the treated area.

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