Where to buy the best CBD for dogs?

Just like humans, our pets can also suffer from various ailments such as anxiety, arthritis, cancer, epilepsy, sleep problems or even signs of aging.

Is your pet suffering from health or behavioral problems? Do you want to try CBD to relieve it? But you don’t know which brand of CBD to buy?

Here are some tips for buying the best CBD for dogs .


CBD for dogs: Presentation

Before discussing how to find the best CBD for dogs , here is a brief presentation of this hemp extract and its benefits.

Every day, more and more people are turning to CBD (Cannabidiol) to benefit from its many benefits.

From joint pain relief to stress management to inflammation prevention, CBD is changing the way individuals can manage their own health issues.

A true well-being ally, CBD is useful for calming and soothing humans, but also our little companions.

In fact, CBD is not only safe and non-addictive, but is also very effective for our dogs.

Experts have been studying the effects of CBD on animals for over three decades, and their results are more than promising.

In fact, according to scientists, CBD can:

  • Calm stress and anxiety *
  • Reduce the frequency and severity of epileptic seizures (latest study, here )
  • Pain relief ** (CBD is said to be so effective that experts are considering it a new class of drugs for treating chronic pain in animals and humans)
  • Reduce and prevent inflammation (and therefore prevent diseases resulting from inflammation)
  • Improve mobility , especially in cases of osteoarthritis
  • Reduce nausea ***
  • Stimulate the appetite
  • Have anti-tumor effects and shrink cancer cells ****
  • Promote general well-being
  • Strengthen the immune system

Yes… but… be careful

With the huge hype surrounding CBD, pet owners should be aware of a few important facts.

The growing popularity of CBD has some companies producing products with one thing in mind: money.

In fact, many companies are developing CBD oils and Cannabidiol-based products that are far from being of good quality.

This is concerning for a number of reasons. For starters, buying CBD that isn’t the best quality is a waste of money .

Additionally, when the product doesn’t work (which is inevitably the case with poor quality), pet owners have no choice but to revert to conventional medications.

Finally, some products that claim to contain CBD do not contain any, or worse, contain THC, which is toxic to dogs and cats.

Fortunately, there are a few tips to ensure you buy the best CBD for dogs and cats possible.


Buying the best CBD for dogs: 7 tips

1. A CBD, containing… CBD

This may seem obvious, but many brands take advantage of the confusion between hemp and CBD, and offer hemp oil and not CBD oil.

Hemp oil is a vegetable oil, without cannabinoids and therefore without CBD. It is, like olive oil, devoid of soothing effects.

CBD oil consists of two elements: an oil and CBD. The oil serves as a carrier for the CBD which is lipophilic, that is to say it only mixes with oil. The oil mixed with CBD can be coconut oil, sunflower oil and even hemp oil.

The best CBD brands for dogs provide their customers with laboratory analyses , validating that you are indeed purchasing an oil (or other product) containing CBD.

2. CBD for dogs: THC-free

First and foremost, the CBD you buy for your dogs must be free of THC, the psychotropic molecule sought after in recreational cannabis.

Indeed, while THC certainly has medical benefits for humans, it is not safe for dogs and felines, even in small amounts. Additionally, CBD is not psychotropic unlike THC.

Once again, the best CBD brands publish laboratory analyses on their site validating the absence of THC.

3. A natural CBD for dogs

Next, it is imperative that the CBD you purchase is natural. This means that the hemp product must not have been treated with pesticides, fungicides, or solvents.

Think about it. The reason pet owners avoid conventional medications is because they are chemical-based and can therefore cause a multitude of adverse effects.

Yet, if you treat your pet’s ailments with chemically treated hemp, you’re defeating the purpose of choosing an all-natural alternative.

4. Lab-tested CBD for dogs

As mentioned earlier, to ensure you are purchasing the best CBD, ask if it has received a certificate of analysis.

Any reputable brand should be able to provide this easily. The Certificate of Analysis shows a detailed lab report , stating exactly how much CBD the products contain.

Some companies market their products as CBD oils, even though they don’t contain any traces of CBD. That doesn’t make much sense, does it?

Ensuring that CBD levels meet the necessary standards is a critical way to ensure your pet receives the benefits of this hemp plant extract.

5. Look at the labels

Before purchasing a CBD product, consider looking at the ingredient list .

The longer it is, the less of a good sign it is. A quality CBD product is one that contains no toxic or harmful content for your furball.

6. Choose a CBD suitable for your animal

Is your dog a foodie? Is hesitant to take medication? Choose CBD in the form of CBD dog treats .

Your cat can’t stand anything but his favorite kibble? Opt for CBD oil for cats in spray form to discreetly spray it into his food.

As you can see, choosing the best CBD for your pet also means choosing a CBD that suits them and adapts to their character and needs.

Even more, the best CBD for dogs or cats will come from a brand that specializes in CBD for pets.

Specialty brands create products that meet the needs of our companions, whereas brands dedicated to humans may include ingredients that are toxic to dogs and cats, such as THC, in their products.

7. A CBD validated by veterinarians

More and more veterinarians are turning to CBD to treat animals. However, few brands have gained their trust.

Among them, one comes up very often: Botaneo , the leader in CBD products for dogs and cats.

“With two of my colleagues, we regularly recommend Botaneo products to our customers. We know that this company is serious and we can see the results of these products every day.” explains Gaetan, a veterinarian in Île de France.

Choosing a CBD dog approved by animal health professionals is therefore a guarantee of quality that should not be overlooked.

The best CBD for dogs, like the best CBD for cats, is CBD approved by the veterinary community.

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