CBD for stressed cats: Benefits, Reviews & Advice

Stress is a behavioral reaction that occurs when faced with an uncomfortable situation.

Considered today as the disease of the century, it affects both humans and animals .

The cat is therefore not spared. In this pet, stress manifests itself through insomnia, digestive and eating disorders, hyperactivity, etc. Faced with this, it is important to take precautions.

CBD or cannabidiol is a natural product known for its multiple benefits. It is a very effective solution to relieve cats suffering from stress.

It is used in particular to calm discomfort, soothe anxiety and aggressiveness in cats and dogs, due to its calming and soothing properties .

So, is CBD for stressed cats the perfect natural solution for your pet?


What causes stress in cats?

CBD being a natural anti-stress, it can help cats relax when faced with stress . But it is still necessary to identify the cause of it.

A cat can become stressed for several reasons.

According to specialists, the most common cause is related to changes in the animal’s daily routine. For example, your furball may feel very bad if you move , travel or if your work schedule changes.

Changes in the family home can also be the cause of stress in cats. New events include spouses getting divorced or a partner dying.

It could also be the arrival of a new member in the family circle (a newborn, a new companion, another cat, a dog, etc.)

A cat that is exposed to loud noises (fireworks, firecrackers, gunshots, thunderstorms) can also find itself in a state of stress. This is especially true if it has had bad experiences or if it no longer feels safe in its environment.

Your cat may also be stressed if he is in pain due to illness  or if you are feeding him unsuitable food .

In addition, if he is bored or lonely, the cat can develop symptoms of anxiety , especially if it is a cat at the end of its life , more sensitive to stress. To overcome all this, it is recommended to organize walking sessions or physical activities with your companion. This allows him to be entertained and relaxed.


Stress in cats: what are the symptoms?

Once the cause is identified, CBD will be able to limit, or even eliminate, the symptoms of stress in cats.

The manifestations of stress in cats can vary from one individual to another, depending on the personality of each one.

Typically, symptoms of a stressed cat include :

  • Regular, loud and prolonged meowing 
  • Nervous licking of the belly, legs and tail, sometimes with hair loss and lesions 
  • Uncleanliness (the animal loses all its hygiene training) 
  • Destructive behavior (claw marking on walls or furniture) 
  • Aggressiveness 
  • Eating disorders 
  • Knocks 
  • Hyperactivity 
  • Overreaction to environmental stimuli 
  • Refusal to be petted 
  • Etc.

Chronic stress in cats can have more serious consequences, such as:

  • The weakening of natural defenses 
  • The Depression 
  • Constant anxiety or fear
  • Urinary tract infections (feline idiopathic cystitis or feline interstitial cystitis, FIC)
  • The emergence of infectious diseases

If you notice any or all of these signs in your cat, consult a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Together, you can try to isolate the source(s) of your companion’s stress and put in place an appropriate response to return to normal.

What are the consequences of stress on a cat’s health?

The consequences of stress on a cat’s health are numerous.

First, a stressed cat will tend to hide and vomit. When the situation is neglected, this can lead to skin conditions such as eczema. It can also lead to ear infections , premature aging and even cancer in cats .

Another surprising consequence is that stress can cause the development of urinary tract infections .

The most common case is chronic interstitial cystitis.

In case of chronic stress, you can face an elevated production of cortisol by the feline ‘s body .

Which can, in turn, lead to a decrease in immune defenses. Eventually, the animal’s body will no longer be susceptible to infectious diseases .


CBD: the solution for stressed cats?

What is CBD?

CBD , also called cannabidiol , is an active ingredient naturally extracted from the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa L).

Considered a promising component by human and veterinary medicine, it is today the subject of numerous scientific studies which attest to its beneficial richness .

It is now recognized for its calming and soothing benefits.

Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), known for its psychotropic effects, CBD has no harmful impact on the nervous system of cats or dogs.

Better still, this natural extract has no major side effects or addiction.

What are the benefits of CBD for cats?

CBD for cats (just like CBD for dogs) is a natural substance extracted from hemp that is full of many benefits.

It is particularly a natural anti-stress , both for humans and animals.

According to numerous scientific studies, CBD helps reduce stress and anxiety by moderating the production of cortisol , also known as the stress hormone.

Therefore, CBD is recommended for supporting stressed or anxious cats and dogs.

Thanks to its calming and soothing properties , it calms the aggressiveness of your little ball of fur and relieves its agitation.

CBD can also soothe discomfort and, by extension, the anxiety and fear that can be associated with it.

It encourages the cat to be less fearful of environmental stimuli, promotes physical and emotional well-being.

Before or during the occurrence of a potentially stressful situation for the cat (car travel, medical visit, storm), you can give it CBD for cats to allow it to better face it, without disturbance or agitation.

In addition to helping your cat combat stress and anxiety, this natural remedy :

  • Regulates appetite 
  • Improves mood 
  • Reduces epileptic seizures 
  • Relieves nausea and vomiting 
  • Supports older cats and dogs

When to give CBD to your stressed cat?

Since CBD is a natural sedative, it can be very helpful in the stressful situations mentioned above.

CBD can be given to the cat when it finds itself in a situation of generalized stress and an anxious state .

This is also valid when your partner has experienced a stressful event (trauma, bereavement) or if he has been involved in a painful separation.

Also, if you notice a change in his habits or the appearance of a phobia (storms, cars, veterinarian), it may be the right time to administer CBD to him.

Note: Cannabidiol is also effective in improving the quality of life of felines who suffer from discomfort and mobility or age-related problems.

Here are some practical cases where CBD for cats can prove to be a good solution to combat stress:

  • Separation anxiety
  • Phobia (veterinarian, noise, animals, etc.)
  • Moving
  • Journey
  • Change of routine
  • Arrival of a new member in the family
  • Stress due to illness or pain
  • Age-related stress
  • Aggression due to stress

Also read: Older cat: 10 good reasons to give CBD

CBD for stressed cats: Where to buy it?

Today, CBD for cats can be found in many points of sale.

Available over the counter and without a prescription , it can be found in veterinary practices , pet stores , CBD shops , or online stores such as Botaneo, where they offer CBD for cats recommended by veterinarians (shipping within 24/48 hours). To discover the online store, click here .

CBD products for cats are also sold by some pet sitters and available from groomers and cat supply stores.

To obtain anti-stress products, you can also contact feline behaviorists and trainers .

CBD Cat stress: In what form to buy it?

CBD for stressed cats comes in several forms. You will find CBD products presented in:

  • CBD oil
  • Treat 
  • Compressed 
  • Pastille 
  • Powder 
  • Capsule

Calming treats and spray oils that are sprayed directly into your cat’s mouth or onto their food are the preferred forms because they are convenient and easy to administer.

  • Discover CBD treats for cats, here
  • Discover CBD oils for cats, here

To ensure the best quality CBD, please use a brand recognized for the quality of the products it offers.

This is the guarantee that its products will ensure the well-being and health of your furballs.

CBD for stressed cats: what is the right dosage?

Although it does not pose any danger to your cat or dog, CBD has a dosage that must be respected according to its age, size, weight and the symptoms it presents.

Manufacturers usually indicate dosage recommendations on the products.

Botaneo provides you with a CBD dosage calculator for a precise prescription adapted to the specific needs of your kitty.

First of all, however, it is recommended to consult an animal health professional and, alongside a cannabidiol treatment, ensure that:

  • Identify the reason for your pet’s discomfort 
  • Secure your environment 
  • Reassure him 
  • To offer him stability, a routine.

How to administer CBD to a cat suffering from stress?

The methods of administering cannabidiol to a cat in a state of anxiety depend essentially on the type of stress.

In fact, this disorder exists in two forms: episodic stress and generalized stress.

As the name suggests, episodic stress is a temporary disorder.

It is likened to a physical or nervous shock received by the animal following a fleeting event (storm or visit to the vet).

In the case of this type of stress, what is recommended is to give him the CBD when approaching any stressful event . 30 minutes before is ideal for the animal to benefit from the benefits.

As for generalized or chronic stress, it can be caused by the fear of separation or being abandoned by one’s owner.

Here, what is best is a CBD cure . You will need to follow your veterinarian’s instructions to the letter.

Finally, in either situation, it is important to always respect the dosages prescribed by the supplier.

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