Benefits of Shea Butter for Dogs

And yes! Dogs can suffer from the same skin problems as we do.

Winter, pollution, stress, allergens… are all elements that can weaken their fragile skin.

Fortunately, there are natural remedies for itchy, dry, irritated or chapped skin that are suitable for our pets.

This is the case of shea butter which can be an excellent alternative to the irritating substances found in pet stores and other supermarkets.

But what exactly is shea butter ? And what are its benefits for dogs? How to use it ? Is it really safe ?

We tell you everything about shea butter and its benefits for dogs!


Shea Butter for Dogs: What is it?

Shea butter is a natural vegetable butter that is extracted from shea trees, which are only found in Africa .

It is obtained by drying, then pounding and boiling the shea nuts , which releases the butter which is then packaged and sold.

Shea butter has been known for thousands of years throughout Africa.

It is mentioned in almost all African historical documents, but also from Cleopatra’s Egypt, through caravans carrying pots of shea butter for royal cosmetics .

The burial beds of African kings were also carved from old shea wood, and shea butter has always been a staple of African pharmacology.

Even today, shea butter is found in many human skin and hair care formulas .

We also find this same shea butter in certain balms and natural treatments for dogs .


Shea Butter: Is it dangerous for dogs?

Shea butter is safe for humans and is sometimes used to make chocolate and confectionery.

Local African populations also use shea butter for cooking .

When it comes to your dog, shea butter can be particularly effective in relieving certain skin problems !

So, to the question “ Can I put shea butter on my dog? ” the answer is yes, you can!

Shea butter is an excellent remedy to naturally soothe and improve your dog’s fragile skin.

Just avoid letting your companion lick it excessively.

Also, don’t keep your open jar of shea butter near your dog.

Eating large amounts of it could cause stomach irritation and vomiting .

Also, be careful of your dog’s allergies.

Before using Shea Butter on your dog or any other new product, it is always recommended to seek the advice of your veterinarian .


Shea Butter: Benefits for Dogs

Shea butter has many benefits for you and your dog .

A 100% natural ingredient , it is regularly recommended by dermatologists, estheticians and cosmetologists to help heal eczema and psoriasis , as well as to soothe normal dry skin , sunburn and soften rough areas like heels and elbows.

In Africa, the natural fat extracted from the Shea nut has been used for generations to help protect skin and hair from harsh elements .

Used as a decongestant , anti-inflammatory for sprains and arthritis, healing ointment, hair care lotion , it is also found as a cooking oil .

However, the protective and emollient properties of shea butter are especially appreciated for skin care.

In recent clinical trials, shea butter has been found to help protect the skin from harsh weather and UV rays , prevent the formation of wrinkles , soothe irritated and chapped skin , and moisturize the skin.

Shea butter also improves cell regeneration and capillary circulation , which helps prevent and minimize stretch marks , inflammation and scars .

These are just a few of the reasons why we use a lot of shea butter.

When it comes to our 4-legged friends, shea butter is just as beneficial and contains many benefits for your dog .

Indeed, dog skin is not immune to environmental stressors either, and many breeds are also naturally prone to skin problems, including:

  • Irritated and red skin
  • Itchy skin
  • Hot zones
  • Dry skin


Dogs also often make skin problems worse by scratching, biting, and licking irritated areas, picking up fleas and ticks while outdoors, and being exposed to the harsh effects of sun, wind, and salt water (if you live near the ocean and have a water-loving dog).

The soothing properties of shea butter , which work wonders for human skin, can thus prevent and heal common skin irritations in dogs.

In fact, shea butter soothes, softens and moisturizes dogs’ skin.

Additionally, shea butter is a natural sunscreen that moisturizes and helps maintain and enhance the shine of your dog’s coat.

In summary, among its virtues for dogs, shea butter can therefore:

  • Moisturize the skin
  • Nourish the epidermis
  • Repair damaged areas
  • Protect from the elements and other aggressions
  • Soften the skin
  • Relieve inflammation
  • Improve the appearance of hair
  • Soothe the itching
  • Protect from UV rays (because yes, dogs can also get sunburn!)

Shea butter is therefore ideal in the event of skin problems in your dog, and in particular:

  • Chapped pads
  • Itching
  • Red bumps
  • Irritation
  • Inflammation
  • Superficial injury
  • Dry, flaky skin
  • Dull coat
  • Minor cuts and wounds

Shea butter actually creates a protective layer that can minimize/stop itching, moisturize the skin and heal inflammation .

By lubricating the affected areas, shea butter can also prevent your dog from scratching them .

Shea butter can also be used to improve the appearance of your dog’s coat and make it silky, shiny and soft!


How do I use shea butter on my dog?

Daily application of shea butter

Warm a small amount of shea butter in your hands and apply it to your dog’s dry or damaged areas, massaging until absorbed.

Repeat as many times as necessary.

Application of shea butter to protect and moisturize the pads during winter

Apply shea butter before your winter outings to protect your dog’s paws, which are vulnerable to cold, snow, frost and de-icing salt.

Once you get home, rinse and dry your dog’s paws to remove any ice balls that may have formed, as well as salt deposits and other debris.

Reapply shea butter to moisturize your dog’s pads.

Repeat as many times as needed to relieve chapped, irritated, itchy skin and to nourish your dog’s dry, damaged skin.

How to Use Shea Butter on Your Dog’s Coat

Warm a small amount of shea butter in your hands, then spread it evenly over your dog’s coat.

Repeat until your dog’s coat is soft, shiny and silky again.


Which shea butter should I choose for my dog?

For your dog, choose 100% pure shea butter , without any additives.

This shea butter keeps all its nutrients intact. Its nourishing and healing action is thus reinforced here.

If you find the smell of shea butter too strong, opt for refined shea butter .

Caution : Cocoa butter is similar to shea butter, but is dangerous for dogs, so be sure to use shea butter for your dog.

BotaBalm Dog Balm with Shea Butter

BotaBalm Natural Balm combines the benefits of shea butter with those of coconut oil, beeswax and CBD to:

  • To feed
  • Fix
  • Protect
  • Soothe

Ideal for cracked pads , cracked elbows , dry noses , minor injuries and skin weakened by cold, frost, hot sidewalks, intensive walking, dry air and any other external aggression.

Specially designed for dogs, this ultra-rich balm will leave skin soft, smooth and perfectly nourished.

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