Dog Stress: 6 Signs, Causes & Solutions

Stress and anxiety in dogs are problems that dog owners have to deal with very frequently.

Knowing how to recognize the symptoms, understanding the reasons, asking the right questions, acting appropriately, etc. are all good practices for better managing the discomfort of our charming balls of fur.

Does your dog seem stressed ? Anxious ? Is he prone to panic attacks ? Are you wondering what to do ?

Signs and symptoms of stress, causes, solutions… Here is everything you need to know to help him live more serenely and relaxed.


Stress & Anxiety in Dogs: The Difference

Although in this article we are not going to differentiate between these two terms to avoid any confusion, it is good to know that there is still a fine line that differentiates stress and anxiety.

Whether in humans or dogs, both are emotional responses .

However, the major difference is that:

  • Stress is usually caused by an external trigger (thunderstorm, fireworks, veterinary consultation, darkness , etc.).
  • Anxiety is defined as persistent, excessive and uncontrollable worries that do not disappear, even in the absence of a stressor… It is generally the anticipation of a danger (real or not).

Note: One of the most common forms of anxiety in dogs is separation anxiety , or the fear of being separated from their human parent. This form of anxiety involves anticipation of your departure and a constant fear of being separated from you.

The symptoms of stress and anxiety in dogs are otherwise quite similar.

We present them to you below.


6 Signs and Symptoms of Stress in Dogs

There are some unusual behaviors that can reveal your dog’s anxiety. Likewise, there are some common signs that can reveal an anxiety attack.

Staying vigilant and knowing how to spot the signs of stress is essential in order to act quickly and help your pet lead a fulfilled, serene and happy life.

Although dogs manifest stress differently depending on their personalities, here are some common symptoms and signs in stressed dogs:

1. Obsessive compulsive behaviors

There is a wide range of obsessive compulsive behaviors (or OCD).

These manifest themselves at different intensities depending on the stress level and the character of the dog, but all result in obsessions as well as repeated, irrational and repetitive behaviors .

These behaviors include:

  • Turn around
  • Chasing his tail
  • To follow something with your eyes
  • Excessive licking
  • Fix things
  • Go back and forth
  • Repetitive yawning
  • Biting of the lower limbs

Also read: Dog going around in circles

2. Unusual posture

Your dog’s body language is as much an expression of your pet’s inner life as it is your own.

So, unusual posture can be a sign of stress in your pet.

Among the stress postures to look for:

  • Tail between the legs
  • Ears back
  • Rigidity
  • Curling up

3. Sleep disorders

Like humans, sleep quality is often a reflection of our psychological state.

So, if your dog is stressed and anxious, he may:

  • Sleeping all the time
  • Being subject to insomnia
  • Have nightmares

Also read: Dog squealing at night

4. Digestive and eating disorders

Again, stress in dogs can cause physical reactions similar to ours. The same goes for eating disorders.

Among this type of signs:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Bulimia

5. Hyperactivity

Hyperactivity is also a way of externalizing stress and anxiety.

A form of outlet and redirected energy, here are the signs of stress-related hyperactivity:

  • Destruction
  • Repeated barking
  • Excessive moaning
  • Panting
  • Inability to concentrate

6. Fearful behavior

Fearful behavior, whether episodic or generalized, is also a sign of stress.

Your dog may suffer from:

  • Fear of loneliness
  • Tremors
  • Jumping at the slightest noise
  • Need for attention and closeness

If you observe one or more of these signs, it is very likely that your dog is suffering from stress and anxiety.

It is now essential to understand the origin of stress in your dog.

Below we present the different common causes of stress in dogs.


4 Causes of Stress in Dogs

Is your dog showing one or more of these symptoms of stress?

He’s probably stressed or anxious.

The second step now is to try to understand why your pet is experiencing stress.

Understanding the reasons for this behavior and the source of its stress will allow you to resolve the problem in depth and best soothe your dog, using tailor-made and adapted methods.

Here are the 4 common causes of stress in dogs:

1. Separation anxiety

Separation anxiety is the number one and leading cause of stress in dogs.

This anxiety is related to the fear of being separated from a loved one , such as the dog’s human parent, the primary attachment figure.

This anxiety can come from many things such as a traumatic experience or overly dog-centered training.

The signs of this anxiety disorder can appear just as much before the departure of the person or even the animal to which the dog is attached, and can be translated by many signs of distress but mainly:

  • Need attention
  • “Clingy” behavior
  • Seeking constant eye contact
  • Excessive and destructive behavior in the absence of the attachment figure

If your dog is exhibiting one or more of these signs of separation anxiety, read on to learn how to ease this stress.

2. Phobias

Just like in humans, phobias are very common in dogs.

They too are often linked to past trauma but can also be the result of your dog’s natural instincts .

In fact, wild dogs have learned to be wary of certain events and situations, in order to protect themselves, as well as act quickly if necessary.

Phobias can also be the result of learned behavior . For example, it is possible to pass on our own phobias to our dogs. In this case, the owner teaches the dog to be afraid of a situation, which then causes the animal to develop a phobia.

Similarly, overprotecting our pets can cause them to develop phobias. This could be the case with fear of stairs , fear of other dogs, or anything else you want your dog to avoid.

Among the common phobias in dogs:

  • Thunderstorm
  • Veterinarian
  • Fireworks
  • Car ride
  • Petard
  • Gunshot
  • Outside
  • Other dogs
  • Water

3. Changes in habits

Dogs are animals of routine. They like the comforts of everyday life and generally do not appreciate being taken out of their comfort zone.

So, changes in habits are another common cause of stress in dogs.

Changes in routine that can cause anxious or fearful behavior include:

  • Moving
  • Welcoming a new dog, cat or other animal
  • Arrival of a new member in the family ( baby , etc.)
  • Change of working hours of the owner
  • Changes to meal and walk times

4. The race

Some dog breeds have predispositions for anxiety and are naturally fearful dogs.

Small breeds and so-called companion dogs are the most stressed dogs.

Some of the most stressed and fearful dogs include:

  • The Cavalier King Charles
  • The Italian Greyhound
  • The English Cocker Spaniel
  • The Bichon Frise
  • The Chihuahua
  • The butterfly
  • The Poodle

But stress isn’t limited to small dog breeds.

Other dog breeds that are prone to stress include the German Shepherd , Australian Shepherd , Labrador Retriever, Hungarian Shorthaired Pointer, and Border Collie.

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