Turmeric for dogs: Is it really effective?

Stiff joints, painful inflammation, digestive problems, etc. To avoid certain medications with harmful side effects, many people turn to natural options like turmeric.

Seeing its positive results on humans, some dog parents are rightly wondering if this natural remedy can also help their pet.

Today we answer their question: Turmeric for dogs, a truly effective natural remedy?


What is turmeric?

Food additive, plant used in therapy, prevention, etc. We all have a good reason to use turmeric. But what is it exactly?

Turmeric is a plant native to India and Malaysia from the ginger family.

The powder derived from this plant is frequently used in Asian cooking to add color and flavor to dishes.

Turmeric is also frequently used in pet foods as a color or flavor enhancer.

What is curcumin?

Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric.

It is found in the roots and bulbs of the plant.

Thanks to the more than 6,000 published studies on turmeric, we know much more about this compound which is believed to have many therapeutic powers.

In fact, curcumin is credited with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and anticancer properties .

Additionally, while curcumin appears to be extremely powerful in treating certain conditions, it may also play a key role in the prevention and onset of various diseases and conditions.


Is Turmeric Safe for Dogs?

Turmeric has been used in humans for years and has been attributed many healing, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.

However, it has not been studied as extensively in pets.

Generally, turmeric is safe for dogs in small amounts.

Which is why you sometimes find it in the ingredients of your dog’s food.

Its purpose is to improve the color and/or flavor of the kibble, but not to provide anti-inflammatory benefits .

Be careful though: Turmeric is a natural blood thinner, and some precautions should be taken when using it, especially for dogs on blood thinners. And as with all supplements, consult your veterinarian before adding turmeric to your dog’s diet, especially if he suffers from a chronic disease.


9 Benefits of Turmeric for Dogs

Turmeric for dogs fans claim many virtues for this spice. Here are the main ones:

  • Anti-inflammatory effects
  • Antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal
  • Contributes to the proper functioning of heart health
  • Promotes digestion
  • Antioxidant properties
  • Delaying cataracts
  • Pain relief
  • Antidiarrheal
  • Natural detoxifier

But the benefits of turmeric don’t stop there. Research has shown that curcumin relieves arthritis pain and stiffness better than ibuprofen , and a British study determined that curcumin prevents precancerous lesions from turning into cancer.

For further…

1. Turmeric as an anti-inflammatory for dogs

Turmeric is said to be an incredibly powerful anti-inflammatory, but what does that mean exactly?

When you think of inflammation, you may consider it associated with conditions such as joint problems.

However, inflammation is at the heart of a number of health problems.

And in fact, inflammation can cause:

  • Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • Allergies
  • Cardiac disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Dental disease
  • Digestive disease

However, not all inflammation is bad.

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to bacteria, trauma, toxins, etc. If your dog has been exposed to harmful bacteria or has experienced trauma, blood flow to the affected area increases and an army of white blood cells is automatically sent to the area of ​​injury or infection.

It is this increase in white blood cells in a specific area that is characteristic of inflammation.

The initial stages of inflammation, or the acute phase, are also characterized by warmth over the inflamed area, redness , swelling , pain , and loss of function.

However, problems arise when inflammation persists for weeks, months, or even years. This is called chronic inflammation.

This can be the underlying cause of many diseases.

Studies have shown that curcumin works as well as conventional anti-inflammatory drugs and may even outperform aspirin and ibuprofen in treating people with inflammation.

Since inflammation is a common reaction in most illnesses your dog may face, turmeric can be a remarkable natural remedy.

2. Turmeric and its antioxidant properties on dogs

Turmeric is also said to have powerful antioxidant properties.

By fighting free radicals, antioxidants have the ability to slow aging and degeneration, and can even increase lifespan.

Although free radicals exist and form naturally in the body, they can also develop during exposure to pesticides, processed dog food, chemicals, pollution, radiation, and toxins.

Turmeric works to fight these free radicals and prevent potentially irreversible cellular damage.

Also read: Top 6 natural remedies for dogs & their homemade recipe

3. Turmeric for osteoarthritis in dogs

Because turmeric is said to be a powerful anti-inflammatory, it may be effective in relieving pain in dogs suffering from osteoarthritis. Turmeric can reduce inflammation as well as soothe pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis.

A 2014 head-to-head study showed that turmeric worked as well as ibuprofen in reducing pain, but without the gastrointestinal side effects associated with ibuprofen.

If your dog is suffering from joint pain, then adding turmeric to their diet may be a safe and effective way to provide relief.

4. Turmeric for pain

The anti-inflammatory effects of turmeric also make it ideal for pain relief.

Inflammation usually involves swelling and can make your dog very uncomfortable.

Turmeric helps to significantly reduce or even eliminate this discomfort.

5. Turmeric for maintaining heart health in dogs

Another great feature of turmeric that you definitely won’t find in other NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) is that it supports heart health.

Curcumin is indeed ideal for dogs suffering from heart failure.

Turmeric may also be able to reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad type of cholesterol) and reduce the risk of blood clots.

6. Turmeric for Dogs with Cancer

We know that chronic inflammation can lead to cancer. Curcumin may prevent precancerous changes in your dog’s body from becoming cancer.

The American Cancer Society states that curcumin interferes with cancer cells and their ability to grow and spread.

Curcumin may also be able to reduce tumor size and kill cancer cells!

Nearly half of all adult dogs will be diagnosed with cancer , so turmeric can be a great way to prevent it.

7. Turmeric to relieve gastrointestinal disorders in dogs

According to some studies, the anti-inflammatory effects of turmeric can effectively treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), as well as other gastrointestinal disorders.

Turmeric would thus have positive effects on intestinal inflammation.

8. Turmeric as an alternative to steroids

If your dog has joint pain, allergies or other illnesses, your veterinarian may recommend steroid medication.

However, like all medications, steroids come with their share of side effects.

Studies have shown that turmeric is just as effective as conventional steroids, but without the potentially harmful side effects.

Additionally, if it is absolutely necessary for your dog to take a traditional steroid medication, studies have shown that taking turmeric along with the steroid may help reduce the side effects associated with the steroid.

9. Turmeric to protect the liver

You probably know how vital a fully functioning liver is for your dog.

The liver plays a vital role in eliminating toxins, regulating blood and processing nutrients.

Studies show that turmeric supports liver function by helping to break down fats and eliminate toxins.


How to give turmeric to your pet?

The best way to give turmeric to your dog is to make a paste and add it to your pet’s food. The substance is difficult for the body to absorb unless it is taken with an oil, such as coconut oil or olive oil.

Turmeric Paste Recipe for Dogs

½ cup turmeric powder

2 cups of water

¼ cup olive or coconut oil

1 ½ teaspoons freshly ground black pepper

Heat the turmeric powder, water and olive or coconut oil in a saucepan.

Set over low heat and stir until mixture is thick and paste-like.

Add the pepper at the end of cooking and use a little extra water if the batter becomes too thick.

Let the paste cool and store it in an airtight glass or plastic container in your refrigerator. Turmeric paste will keep for about a month.

Start with a small dose, about a quarter teaspoon added to each meal.

This dose is ideal for small dogs and puppies, but for larger dogs, increase the amount each week (another ¼ teaspoon) until you see results. Mix it into your dog’s food once a day and consult your veterinarian if you have any questions.

Good to know: Turmeric isn’t the only “human ingredient” that offers incredible health benefits for dogs.

If you don’t have turmeric at home, other natural alternatives exist such as CBD for dogs .

CBD, a calming hemp extract, is ideal for naturally relieving a stressed or uncomfortable dog . It is also useful for dogs showing signs of aging (joint pain, loss of appetite, etc.).

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