Natural calming for dogs: 7 anti-stress plants

If your dog is stressed , agitated, aggressive, suffering from phobias or separation anxiety, why automatically rush to medication and other aggressive sedatives?

More and more dog parents and veterinarians are turning to natural, herbal calming agents to soothe their pets in a more gentle way.

If you too would like to use a natural remedy to relax your dog, Botaneo presents today the best natural sedatives for dogs, via 7 anti-stress plants.

Natural and easy to use, they will keep your dog calm and relaxed.


What natural sedative for dogs? The 7 best anti-stress plants

If your dog suffers from anxiety or agitation, here are the best natural calming agents through 7 calming plants for anxious, agitated dogs or those with sleep problems.

In soothing essential oil, in infusion, in cream… Here’s how to use them.

1. Chamomile, a natural calming agent for hyperactive or agitated dogs

Chamomile is often used as a home remedy for dogs, due to its calming properties.

It can be beneficial in certain situations of stress , mild anxiety, or to help relax hyperactive dogs .

Because of its natural abilities to decrease anxiety and promote sleep , chamomile is now widely regarded as a safe and gentle tranquilizer .

Uses of chamomile

As a herbal tea: To use chamomile as a calming agent for your dog, you can prepare a light chamomile tea by infusing dried chamomile flowers in hot water.

Be sure to use pure, unprocessed chamomile, with no added herbs or ingredients that may be harmful to dogs.

Let the herbal tea cool and give it to your dog in his water bowl or as a spray on his food.

In soothing dental sticks : If you are not comfortable with the idea of ​​preparing a herbal tea yourself, you can find chamomile-based products specially designed for pets. The Botaneo brand, for example, offers soothing dental sticks based on chamomile .

Caution: Avoid using chamomile during pregnancy, nursing, or if your dog has pre-existing health conditions . Consult your veterinarian beforehand (this recommendation applies to all remedies below).

For further information: Chamomile for dogs: benefits, uses, dangers

2. Hemp (CBD) , the best natural calming agent for anxious dogs

Hemp has long been known for its calming and soothing properties.

To fully benefit from this calming plant for dogs, it is recommended to use its most effective extract against stress: CBD or cannabidiol.

CBD is a powerful natural sedative for dogs , extracted from the hemp plant.

It is particularly recommended for dogs that suffer from stress. CBD for stressed dogs helps to limit behaviors related to the animal’s anxiety such as:

  • Aggression
  • Excessive barking
  • The destruction
  • The Runaways
  • Sleep disorders
  • The agitation
  • Sadness/loss of joy of life

Also read: Dog & Separation Anxiety: Try CBD

Use of CBD

CBD is primarily used as a treatment for deep benefits. However, it can be given 30 minutes before a stressful event, such as a car ride or a veterinary visit.

In oil: CBD for dogs can be found in the form of CBD oil for dogs to spray directly into the mouth or to mix into food.

As a treat: It is also found in the form of calming dog treats . Infused with CBD, they are a delicious and easy-to-use dog calming agent.

To calculate the dosage suited to your dog based on its specific characteristics (age, weight, symptoms such as agitation, hyperactivity, barking, etc.), click here .

To go further: CBD for dogs: 10 benefits for our animals

3. Lavender , a natural calming agent for stressed dogs

Lavender is often used as a natural remedy to calm dogs because of its relaxing scent.

Lavender has anti-stress properties that can help reduce anxiety and restlessness in dogs.

Its fragrance gives off a pleasant smell that can promote a calm environment.

Uses of lavender

There are several options for using lavender as a home remedy for stress relief for dogs:

As an essential oil: You can use diluted lavender essential oil to calm your dog. Make sure to use a quality essential oil that is specifically designed for use on pets. It is important to dilute the essential oil with an appropriate carrier oil (such as coconut or sweet almond oil) before applying it to your dog.

Topical Application: Once you have diluted the lavender essential oil, you can apply it to your dog’s less sensitive areas, such as the collar, the area between the shoulder blades, or the lower back. Be sure not to apply the oil directly to the skin and monitor your dog closely for any adverse reactions.

Air Diffusion: You can also use an essential oil diffuser to diffuse the lavender aroma into the air. This can help create a relaxing atmosphere in your home and soothe your dog.

For further information: Lavender essential oil & Dog: The guide

4. Valerian , a natural sedative for dogs with sleep disorders

Valerian is a plant that has been used for centuries for its relaxing properties. It is often used as a natural remedy to relieve anxiety, insomnia and sleep disorders.

Use of valerian

There are several possible formats for giving valerian to a dog. Here are some common options:

Food supplements: You can find valerian food supplements specially formulated for dogs. They are generally available in the form of tablets, capsules or sticks. This is the case, for example, of Botaneo’s calming sticks for dogs, composed of calming plants including chamomile, valerian and hemp. To discover these calming sticks with valerian, click here .

Valerian Tincture: Valerian tincture is a concentrated extract of the plant. You can mix a few drops of the tincture into your dog’s food or water, according to the dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer or a veterinarian.

Valerian Infusion: To prepare a valerian infusion, you can use the dried root of the plant.

To do this, boil a cup of water. Add a teaspoon of dried valerian root.

Let it steep for about 10 minutes. Strain the infusion to remove the pieces of root.

Let cool.

Mix a small amount of the infusion with your dog’s food, following the dosage recommendations provided by a veterinarian.

For further information: Valerian for dogs: Benefits and Uses

5. Lemon , a natural calming agent for barking/aggressive dogs

The scent of lemon works as a natural alternative to Xanax , reducing anxiety, depression and anger.

While decreasing overall mood disturbance, it also combats bodily tension.

According to science , not only does lemon oil reduce stress, it lowers blood pressure, aids digestion and detoxifies the body.

Use of lemon

Here’s how you can use lemon as a dog calming agent:

Lemon Spray: Mix fresh lemon juice with water in a spray bottle. Lightly mist the air around your dog, avoiding direct contact with their skin or eyes. Some dogs may be sensitive to citrus fruits, so it is essential to monitor their reaction carefully.

Lemon Essential Oil: You can add a few drops of lemon essential oil to an aroma diffuser in the room where your dog is.

Make sure the room is well ventilated and your dog can leave the room if they wish. Be sure to use a quality essential oil and consult a veterinarian or aromatherapist for specific advice on its use.

Lemon Massage: If your dog is stressed or anxious, you can try gently massaging his skin with diluted lemon essential oil. This can help relax your dog and make him feel better. Be sure not to apply the lemon to irritated or sensitive areas of your dog’s skin.

Also read: Lemon and dogs: when to give it and when to avoid it

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