9 tips for traveling by car with your dog

Summer is not quite here, but it already smells like vacation ! Whether you are planning to go to France or abroad, whether the journey is quite long or rather short, there are details that should not be overlooked to ensure the proper transport of your dog by car.

Today we present to you our 9 best tips to ensure an optimal trip for your dog!


9 tips for traveling by car with your dog

1. Anticipate the trip

Traveling by car is something that requires preparation, especially if you are accompanied by your pet. So there are steps and things to remember!

These are small details, but they are still important. So, before leaving, make sure:

  • That your dog is properly identified (tattooed or microchipped). This is a very important thing. It is particularly useful if he gets lost and you lose sight of him. The identification of your animal is also mandatory and imposed by law, according to article L. 212-10 of the Rural and Fisheries Code . A dog that wanders without being identified does not legally belong to anyone, and it can be directly placed in the pound or at the SPA . Identification is the only way to make an official link between the animal and its owner, it provides its information on the national file (like the identity card for us humans). It allows you to easily find your dog in the event of loss.
  • Having kept the animal’s vaccinations and deworming up to date. Especially if you are traveling abroad, this prevents any infection or parasitic infestation.
  • Take with you all documents relating to the animal that could be useful during the trip (health record, veterinary prescription if necessary, etc.).
  • Take plenty of water with you , a container to pour it into, as well as food and objects that are familiar to him (toys, blankets, etc.).

Also read: 9 Natural Dewormers for Dogs

2. Install your dog properly in the car

When transporting, for your safety and that of your dog, it is recommended to leave it attached to the back of the vehicle .

This prevents him from disrupting your driving if he behaves unpredictably, and it also protects him from injuries that could occur in the event of sudden braking.

In addition, in the event of a traffic stop, the police officer or gendarme who stops you may, as a precaution, sanction you with a 2nd class fine which corresponds to article R412-6 of the Highway Code. The amount of the latter can vary from €22 to €75 .

To travel by car with your dog, the best solution is to opt for a transport cage . In addition to offering a feeling of security and a place of refuge for the animal, it is also the option to favor for a journey in complete serenity.

But that’s not the only option! You can also opt for a car harness or a safety leash (which clips to the seat belt). Don’t forget to attach a separation net between the back and the front of the car, it’s safer.

Some people also prefer to put their dog in the trunk, which can be a good solution, especially for large dogs. If you choose to do this, be aware that it is dangerous to leave your pet in a closed trunk ! Although it may seem logical, it is important to remember that this can put your pet at risk of exhaust gas poisoning . It is also a factor that can lead to claustrophobia (a fear of confined spaces). So, if your dog is traveling in your trunk, it must not have a rear shelf.

Also read: Dog Cage: Buying Tips & Uses

3. Never put your dog in the front!

Again, road safety comes first ! Even if you consider your dog as your baby, you should still leave him in the back of the vehicle.

In fact, placing him in the front is as dangerous for you as it is for him. The risks of injury in the event of an accident are much higher for your dog, even if he is properly secured with a seat belt.

Also, it should be remembered that airbags and other safety devices were designed for human bodies , they do not protect your dog in any way as they protect you, and can even increase the impact .

Be careful, leave your little companion in the back of the car (this will also prevent him from getting between your legs or disturbing your driving).

4. Pack a bag for the trip

No one is safe from life’s little surprises, not even our faithful four-legged friends! A wound, pain, travel sickness… in case of need, it is important to have a kit with everything you need to ensure a good journey for your dog. You can put in it, for example:

  • Animal bandages and sterile compresses
  • Medications prescribed by the veterinarian (anti-emetics, analgesics, etc.)
  • An antibiotic ointment
  • Oxygen peroxide (cleans wounds and induces vomiting)
  • Also add bags to pick up his poop, extra toys, a leash, etc.

Do not hesitate to ask your veterinarian for advice , who will be able to recommend specific products depending on the breed and needs of your dog.


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