CBD for hyperactive dogs: Effectiveness & Advice

Having a hyperactive dog is not easy for dog owners.


On a beautiful sunny summer day, you want to spend some quality time with your dog. However, he keeps moving, jumping, running around and acting impulsively.

You then say to yourself, “but for goodness sake, how can I calm this infernal animal?” Solutions exist!

To calm a “crazy” or hyperactive dog , you can give him CBD for animals .

Known for its calming and soothing properties , this natural extract, derived from the hemp plant, is indeed an ally of choice for improving the physical and mental health of our four-legged friends.

What exactly is CBD for hyperactive dogs  ? How does CBD for dogs act on Fido’s body and how to administer it and in what form? We answer all your questions.


Canine hyperactivity: what is it?

Canine hyperactivity or hyperkinesia is a behavioral disorder found in dogs subject to certain psychoaffective factors (death of the mother, sudden separation) and somatic factors (physical pain or illness).

It results in an alteration of the functions:

  • Cognitive : attention deficit, memory disorders;
  • Motor : inability to stay still;
  • Neurobiological : poor management of emotions and stress.

A hyperactive dog tends to move frantically, have difficulty concentrating, display compulsive behavior and, more broadly, present an unstable emotional state.


Why is my dog ​​hyperactive?

Canine hyperactivity has various causes . Some of the most common include:

  • A faulty education, carried out by an immature mother.
  • Early death of the mother: Dogs who lose their mother in their fourth week of life are often affected by hyperactivity.
  • Premature weaning or separation of the puppy from its mother (also when the animal is four weeks old).

The fourth week is indeed decisive for puppies. It is at this tipping point that they really begin to interact with their environment and discover games with other members of the sibling group.

Two situations are possible:

  • The mother is present and mature: she regulates the interactions between the puppies of the same litter.
  • The mother is absent or immature: this creates a deep trauma which could result in behavioral disorders in the adult animal.

There are also situations where a dog may suddenly become hyperactive. This is especially the case when he is sick, in pain, physically or mentally, stressed or anxious.


How do I know if my dog ​​is hyperactive?

You can’t miss the warning signs. The manifestations of canine hyperactivity are indeed very characteristic and easy to recognize:

  • Tasikinesia (fidgeting or an overwhelming need to move, even at night);
  • Instant reaction to all environmental stimuli;
  • Disobedience (animal does not follow orders);
  • Gluttony;
  • Aggression, nibbling , biting;
  • Very few moments of rest;
  • Inability to control oneself;
  • Excessive barking at the slightest noise;
  • Destructive behavior .

If your dog exhibits one or more of these symptoms, do not delay in consulting a veterinarian.


CBD for animals: an effective solution to calm a hyperactive dog?

Owners of hyperkinetic dogs are increasingly turning to natural alternatives to synthetic psychotropic drugs in an attempt to gently soothe their companions.

Among these organic treatments, CBD for dogs is in a good position. Let’s see exactly what it is.

What is CBD for dogs?

CBD , also called cannabidiol , is a substance naturally extracted from the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa L.

It is distinguished from THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) which, unlike CBD, acts directly on the brain and produces psychoactive effects.

Why is CBD being considered as a therapy in the management of dogs with hyperkinetic disorder? This organic extract is known for its calming and soothing properties . It promotes the physical and mental well-being of our little balls of fur.

CBD for dogs has no side effects and is not addictive. It is not dangerous, even for a regular situation.


How does CBD work on the bodies of hyperactive dogs?

To answer this question, we must first talk about the endocannabinoid system (ECS) .

In fact, according to research, the ECS is present in humans, dogs, and cats. It is a complex system in the body that is responsible for regulating body functions to keep them in a balanced state .

The ECS affects our four-legged friends’ mood, pain response, emotional state, brain function, immune system, sleep, and more.

Interestingly, cannabinoids , including CBD for pets, have the ability to target receptors in the endocannabinoid system to trigger very specific positive responses, including:

  • Pain relief;
  • Reducing stress and anxiety;
  • Improved sleep;
  • Stimulation of natural defenses;
  • Calming hyperactivity;
  • Etc.

In short, when a hyperkinetic dog ingests CBD, this external natural cannabinoid acts in synergy with the animal’s internal endocannabinoids, with the aim of strengthening the effectiveness of its ECS.

This allows Médor to “heal” from his imbalance problem and regain emotional stability .

CBD for dogs has a beneficial effect on the factors that are often implicated in sudden hyperactivity in animals, namely stress, anxiety and pain.

It is therefore effective in relieving hyperkinetic disorder linked to these different conditions.

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