Best stress reliever for dogs: Top 3 to try!

If your dog suffers from fear of abandonment, phobias, post-traumatic shock, is stressed on a daily basis or from time to time, it is natural to look for the best anti-stress and effective solutions to relieve his stress .

The good news is that there are many calming and soothing products that can help relieve stress and anxiety in our companions.

From anti-stress collars to relaxing music playlists and CBD for dogs , Botaneo has selected the 3 best anti-stress products for dogs .

Discover below our best natural anti-stress alternatives to medications for stressed dogs.


Best Anti-Stress for Dogs : Top 3

There is an endless supply of anti-stress products for dogs on the market. Faced with this choice, it is normal to feel lost.

However, if you want to avoid medications that can sometimes have serious side effects, here are the best natural anti-stress medications for dogs , as well as what are considered the most effective anti-stress medications for dogs.

1. CBD oil, the best anti-stress for dogs

CBD is a hemp extract known for its calming effects on dogs .

Totally natural , CBD, in the form of CBD oil for dogs , is today considered the best anti-stress for dogs .

By using CBD as an anti-stress agent you will be able to naturally relax your pet, but also reduce behaviors associated with anxiety (destruction, aggression, etc.).

CBD is very useful if your dog is stressed on a daily basis , prone to episodic anxious behaviors or even hyperactive .

The opinions on this anti-stress for dogs are also very positive, whether they are opinions from dog parents or from veterinarians in general.

Why give CBD oil as an anti-stress dog?

You can use CBD oil as an anti-stress treatment for dogs before a stressful situation, or as a treatment, so that your companion is more relaxed on a daily basis.

Here are some situations where CBD oil can be an effective stress reliever for dogs :

  • Your dog can’t stand your absence (separation anxiety)
  • Your dog chews and destroys objects in the house because he is stressed
  • Your dog is barking excessively due to stress
  • Your dog panics at certain noises such as fireworks or thunderstorms
  • Your dog is having a hard time with a change in routine (baby, work schedule, moving , etc.)
  • Your dog is afraid of the vet
  • Stress related to illness

In all these situations, CBD oil for dogs can help your pet overcome stress and anxiety.

How to choose the best CBD oil for dogs?

There are different types of CBD for stressed dogs and it is important to know how to choose the best oil in order to fully benefit from its anti-stress effects.

It is first of all essential when choosing your anti-stress product for dogs to choose a CBD oil specially designed for your pet . Suitable dosage, adequate composition, etc. selecting a product designed for your companion will ensure the quality and effect of the product.


Some CBD oils for dogs contain THC. Since THC can be toxic to animals, opt for a CBD oil without THC. Serious brands will be able to provide you with analysis reports attesting to the absence of THC.

To make it easier for your dog to take CBD, choose a product with a flavor that your dog will enjoy. Chicken, beef, etc. it’s up to you to decide his preference.

Some hemp is of poor quality, so choose natural hemp to avoid choosing a low-end product that will not provide the expected anti-stress effects.

What is the best anti-stress CBD oil for dogs?

To be sure to choose the best CBD for dogs , favor brands that combine all of the above qualities.

Recommended by veterinarians, validated by customers, BotaCalm CBD oil has already proven itself on dog stress and remains to this day the best anti-stress for dogs.

If you prefer a different format, there are also CBD-based anti-stress dog treats called BotaLicious .

To calculate the dosage suitable for your animal, use the dosage calculator by clicking here .


2. Anti-stress chew sticks for dogs

Chew sticks have long been used to occupy and distract our canine friends.

They are also considered the best dog stress reliever by some dog parents.

In addition to being a great tool to prevent boredom, these sticks offer a myriad of benefits for both the physical and mental well-being of the dog.

They are first of all a source of occupation .

Dogs have a natural tendency to chew, and these sticks keep them occupied , preventing them from turning to unwanted objects like furniture or shoes.

Chewing can also have a calming effect on dogs, especially when incorporated with relaxing ingredients like anti-stress herbs .

Why give chew sticks as an anti-stress for dogs?

  • Before a stressful situation: If you know your dog is going to face a stressful situation, such as a visit to the vet or moving, a chew stick can help him relax.
  • When you are away: To prevent your dog from becoming bored or developing separation anxiety.
  • After physical activity: As a reward and relaxation after a long walk or play session.
  • For destructive behavior: To distract your dog from biting or chewing unwanted objects.

How to Choose the Best Chewable Stress Stick?

Choose sticks without chemical additives and with anti-stress ingredients such as hemp, valerian or chamomile.

Choose a stress reliever stick that is the right size for your dog and that does not have sharp pieces to avoid any risk of choking.

Look for brands recommended by veterinarians and other pet owners.

What is the best anti-stress chew stick?

With an effective combination of plants with calming properties (hemp, valerian, chamomile), BotaSticks have been designed to offer your dog the best in terms of relaxation and well-being.

Recognized and appreciated by veterinarians and dog owners, they guarantee quality and effectiveness.

Discover BotaSticks anti-stress sticks by clicking here .

3. The licking mat, effective anti-stress for dogs

Lick mats are innovative accessories designed to keep dogs occupied and calm.

These dog stress mats , usually made of silicone or rubber, are designed to hold liquid or paste-like treats, providing extended licking activity for your dog.

The act of licking is inherently calming for dogs , making these mats particularly effective as stress-relieving tools.

In fact, the act of licking stimulates the release of endorphins , which helps to relax and soothe the dog. For a prolonged anti-stress effect, you can even freeze the mat enriched with treats.

Why use a lick mat as a stress reliever for your dog?

  • Occupation: The mat keeps the dog engaged for long periods of time, reducing boredom and destructive behavior.
  • Mental stimulation: Searching for each piece of treat on the mat is a great exercise for the dog’s mind.
  • Before a stressful situation: Such as a visit to the vet, the arrival of guests, a grooming session or a thunderstorm.
  • When you’re away: To keep your dog busy and reduce symptoms of separation anxiety.
  • After physical activity: To help your dog calm down after a walk or play session.

How to Choose the Best Stress Relieving Licking Mat?

Make sure it’s made from non-toxic materials , like food-grade silicone.

Choose a mat that can be easily washed by hand or in the dishwasher.

Depending on the size of your dog, you may want a larger or smaller mat.

Also, choose non-slip suction cup mats and mats with multiple reliefs for greater effectiveness.

Once the calming effects wear off, you ‘ll need to invest in a new stress collar . And if you find one that your dog likes, you may want to keep buying it.

What is the best brand of lick mat?

Although there are several brands on the market, the BotaLick is one of the best dog stress relievers in the lick mat category.

Made from durable and safe materials , this mat is designed to provide the best anti-stress experience for your dog thanks to its suction cups and reliefs .

Discover BotaLicks by clicking here .

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