Free Tool for Dogs & Cats

CBD Dosage Calculator

Frequently Asked Questions

After completing the CBD dosage calculator for animals above, you will receive by email:

  • CBD dosage for your dog or cat (customized daily dose)
  • Tips for Choosing the Best CBD for Dogs or Cats
  • The CBD product format best suited to your pet (drops, spray, treats, sticks, etc.)

But also :

  • Promo codes to benefit from advantageous prices
  • Tailor-made veterinary advice

Reviews and testimonials from pet parents

The result of this CBD dosage calculator cannot under any circumstances be transposed to products other than those of the Botaneo brand.

CBD brands all manufacture products using different production methods, different ingredients (organic or not), and a unique concentration of CBD in their products (e.g.: 5% CBD oil, 20% CBD oil, etc.).

Furthermore, there are different extraction methods and different CBDs (broad spectrum, full spectrum, isolate, etc.), all of which can vary the dosage.

The recommended dosage therefore varies from one brand to another.

Not mastering the production of other brands, the Botaneo dosage table for dogs and the CBD dosage for cats recommended by the brand are only valid for Botaneo products.

You can absolutely use Botaneo products in combination or alternately to vary the pleasures.

In this case, you can, for example, alternate with the calming oil one day, and the soothing treats the next. Or halve the recommended dosage.

Whether you buy CBD oil for dogs or cats, CBD spray, or CBD treats for dogs or cats, dosage remains an important element to optimize the benefits.

So, each CBD product will have its own dosage. By using the calculator above, you will receive an accurate dosage result for your pet, depending on the product:

  • Number of drops per day for a dropper (5%, 10%, 20%, etc.)
  • Number of sprays per day for a spray oil (3%, 5%, etc.)
  • Number of treats per bag of kibble

Used in the right dosage, CBD for dogs is a particularly effective calming and anti-stress agent .

It offers many benefits on stress but also the overall well-being of our companions. Here are some of its properties:

  • Fight against signs of stress (aggression, barking, agitation, running away, etc.)
  • Combats separation anxiety
  • Soothes phobias (thunderstorms, fireworks, loud noise, etc.)
  • Calms discomfort
  • Helps maintain mobility and supports joints
  • Helps to strengthen the metabolism of weakened dogs
  • Relieves signs of aging

By completing the free calculator above, you will receive by email the dosage adapted to your animal, as well as advice on use to maximize these benefits.

Used in the right dosage, CBD for cats is particularly effective as a calming , anti-stress agent when faced with:

By completing the free questionnaire above, you will receive by email the precise dosage of CBD to give to your cat to best soothe your pet. You will also receive recommendations for choosing the best CBD (cannabidiol) product.

CBD is a hemp extract that is beneficial for our pets.

Although it is well tolerated by dogs and does not cause any major side effects or habituation, it is recommended to respect the dosage so that your pet fully benefits from its benefits.

It is also advisable to start with a lower dose than recommended, in order to observe your animal and readjust if necessary.

So, after completing the questionnaire above and receiving the CBD dog dosage recommendations by email, start with a lighter daily dose and gradually increase to the recommended dose.

Please note: As with any change in a pet’s routine, it is recommended to seek approval from your veterinarian. Dogs may have specific intolerances, sensitivities or allergies, or may require special prescription medication.

Like CBD for dogs, CBD is well tolerated by cats .

However, although cannabidiol is generally considered safe for animals, overdosing can cause adverse effects (lethargy, diarrhea, dry mouth, etc.).

So start with a lower CBD dosage for cats than the one recommended by the calculator, then gradually increase until you reach the right CBD dosage for cats.

You can find a CBD dog dosage table based on weight on the back of each Botaneo product.

However, for a more accurate dosage, based on your dog’s specifics (breed, size, etc.), we recommend using the CBD dog dosage calculator above.

A CBD dosage chart for cats based on weight is presented on the back of each Botaneo product.

However, for a more accurate dosage, based on your cat’s specifics (breed, symptoms, etc.), we recommend using the CBD dosage calculator for cats above.

CBD oil, and more broadly pet products containing CBD, can have many beneficial effects for dogs and cats, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Mobility
  • The discomfort
  • Signs of aging

Proper dosage is therefore essential to maximize these benefits and minimize potential side effects.

Whether it’s CBD dog treats , calming oil drops or a calming spray for cats , it’s important to offer your dog or cat a tailor-made dosage, regardless of the product purchased.

Weight and CBD dosage charts are not enough for personalized dosing.

This CBD dosage algorithm for dogs & cats has been designed so that each animal fully benefits from the benefits of this hemp extract, depending on what makes it unique.

Fill out the free form above to find out the right CBD dosage for dogs or cats as well as the best CBD for your pet .

This algorithm calculates the ideal amount of cannabidiol for your dog or cat by analyzing several elements including its breed, size, weight, age and some of its symptoms.

It also draws on the results of the most comprehensive study published to date on the administration of CBD to pets, as well as on empirical research carried out by the Botaneo teams.

The result is therefore specific to your animal and will help improve its well-being in a personalized and unique way.

*Source: Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Clinical Efficacy of Cannabidiol Treatment in Osteoarthritic Dogs, July 23, 2018 .

Each brand has its own oil formula. So the % CBD of some oil brands is high, while for others it is lower.

However, the most important thing to consider is how many mg of CBD to give your pet.

For example, with a 3% oil you will simply have to give more sprays than a 20% CBD oil, to reach the number of mg/day necessary.

Research has shown that a dose of 2mg/kg (one dose in the morning, one dose in the evening) is the most effective dosage in dogs.

The advantage of a lower dose quality oil is that you can divide the daily doses over the day, whereas this is more complicated or even impossible with a strong oil, which only requires one drop per day.

In the interests of transparency, Botaneo displays the total quantity of CBD (mg) in its products on the site’s product sheets (tab: Characteristics).

The BOTACALM TM calming spray, for example, contains 900mg of CBD per 30ml (i.e. a concentration of 3%).

An element taken into account to calculate the best dosage of CBD for dogs or cats .

In order to refine the dosage and propose a quality dosage, the Botaneo algorithm also takes into account other relevant factors than the CBD concentration, including weight, age and the classification and severity of symptoms. These factors indeed change the needs of the animal and therefore the dosage.

Since every animal is different, it is advisable to start with a lower dosage than that recommended by our calculator.

You can then gradually increase to the recommended dose, readjusting if necessary.

If the calculator recommends 4 drops of the calming oil, start with one drop daily, then 2, and continue until the recommended dosage is reached if you do not observe any adverse reactions.

Stop CBD completely if you observe any abnormal signs or particular side effects, and consult your veterinarian if in doubt.

It all depends on the CBD product for dogs or CBD product for cats you have selected.

Botaneo BOTACALM TM CBD oil for dogs can, for example, be sprayed into the dog’s food or directly into the dog’s mouth. Ideally, spread the dosage over the day.

Botaneo BOTACALM TM CBD dog treats are a good solution for the most difficult animals, and make it easier to administer CBD.

Finally, BOTASTICKS TM dog chew sticks are an alternative to CBD and help redirect destructive behaviors, promoting calm. Composed of hemp, chamomile and valerian, they are ideal for dogs who tend to chew and destroy objects during stressful situations.

Please note: Botaneo offers a wide range of natural calming products based on soothing plants. Feel free to browse the online store to discover the full range , and choose the product that best suits your pet.

In addition to the Botaneo online store , you can find the brand’s products within a large network of online resellers (Kymaya, etc.) or in physical stores in France, Belgium and Switzerland (pet store, veterinarian, pharmacy, dog trainer, grooming salon, CBD shop, etc.).

Do not hesitate to contact your local players to ask them if they sell the products in the range.

The use and ideal duration of a CBD “cure” varies from one animal to another and the problem you wish to relieve.

You know your pet better than anyone.

You can definitely reduce the dose gradually when you see an improvement in your companion and readjust by increasing or decreasing if necessary, until stopping completely when he is better.

Botaneo products are not medicines and are not intended to cure or treat any disease.

Our products are designed to be everyday well-being partners and give our animals a helping hand when they need it.

You can therefore stop whenever you want and then resume episodically, for example during periods of stress (30 minutes before a stressful event).

THC is the psychotropic molecule of cannabis. Illegal at a certain percentage in France, this molecule sought after in recreational cannabis can also be toxic for animals. Botaneo products therefore contain only CBD hemp extract to ensure the safety and well-being of animals.

Also, to ensure the conformity and quality of the products, as well as the CBD rate and the absence of THC, you can find the laboratory analyses for each of the Botaneo brand products, on our legal analyses page .

Whether you have questions about the doses of cannabidiol to give to your animal, the price of a product, the rate of oils, the delivery methods or you simply wish to have an expert opinion on an aspect of the brand, a team is at your disposal via our contact page .

For any other questions about your pet’s health, a sign of pain, or an abnormal symptom, do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian.