Peanut butter for dogs: benefits and tips for use

Also called peanut butter, peanut butter seduces us with its unique taste and creamy consistency.

But did you know that in addition to being good, it also has its uses? More than just a treat, it is a food that actually has health benefits for both humans and our canine friends .

What are the benefits of peanut butter for dogs ? How to use it? All the answers in this article.


What is peanut butter?


Contrary to what one might think, given its popularity, peanut butter was not born in the United States!

It was first made in Quebec, knowing that the Aztecs were already crushing peanuts to make a thick paste!

It was the Canadian pharmacist Macellus Gilmore Edson who filed the first manufacturing patent in 1884 in Bedford. In the United States, it was not until 1890 that a doctor named George A. Bayle Jr. developed the precious substance.

Peanut butter is then manufactured for a specific purpose: to provide food containing all the necessary nutrients to people who are unable to chew.

Manufacturing and composition

The peanut or groundnut is a leguminous plant cultivated in warm and tropical regions of the globe.

Peanut butter making involves several steps:

  • Shelling peanuts,
  • Dry roasting between 160 and 200°C,
  • Blanching the seeds (the red skin is removed),
  • Fine grinding.

Additives are then sometimes incorporated into the dough intended for human consumption, in order to improve the taste and preservation of the product. These are:

  • Stabilizers that guarantee the smoothness of the dough.
  • Emulsifiers that reduce the sticky effect of butter. The main emulsifiers are lecithin, glycerin, propylene glycol and monoglycerides.
  • Softeners that improve the taste of the dough. These are sugars : dextrose, sucrose, fructose, saccharin, mollasse, honey. For the same purpose, salt is sometimes added.


Peanut Butter for Dogs: What are the Benefits?

Just like for humans, peanut butter for dogs can be a very interesting treat for canines.

From a nutritional point of view, peanut butter is a beneficial food for both dogs and humans.

Peanut butter is a source of antioxidants and plant protein .

It provides energy and contains healthy fats , called unsaturated fats.

Peanut butter also contains many vitamins , essential for the functioning of the animal’s body:

  • Vitamin E : It has antioxidant properties and is perfect for recharging your dog’s batteries after intense physical exercise.
  • Vitamin B : a real driving force of metabolism, it also gives your dog a beautiful coat.
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin) : protects the dog’s skin and coat, it helps limit the risk of dermatitis.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) : it plays an important role, particularly for pregnant dogs.


What peanut butter for dogs?

To avoid the risks associated with the composition of peanut butter, it is recommended to get peanut butter for dogs , such as BotaNuts peanut butter for dogs , specially designed for our companions.

Peanut butter for humans can indeed contain ingredients and additives that are toxic to your pet.

The best dog peanut butter manufacturers make sure to include ingredients in their product that are safe for your companion.

So check that the peanut butter for dogs you want to buy does not contain added sugar or xylitol .

Dr. Jason Nicholas warns on Preventive Vet 1 ; “ Xylitol is a sweetener that is gaining popularity due to its dental benefits for humans and its suitability as a sugar substitute for people with diabetes. Yet, thousands of dogs are accidentally poisoned by xylitol each year .”

The shorter the ingredient list, the better the peanut butter will be for your dog.


When to give peanut butter to a dog?

Peanut butter for dogs can be an interesting treat in many situations.

To give energy, to recover, to soothe your dog during a moment of stress, the benefits of peanut butter are numerous.

1. Before an exercise

Peanut butter is high in protein and healthy fats, which can help provide your dog with energy during exercise.

The nutrients in peanut butter for dogs can also help protect your dog’s muscles from damage during exercise.

2. After exercise

Peanut butter for dogs can be a good reward after exercise or better, a training session. In addition to promoting sports recovery , it will be a delicious treat for your dog.

3. Before /during a departure

Peanut butter can be a calming treat for a dog suffering from separation anxiety .

It is a food that can be used in your absence to keep your companion occupied in the most pleasant way.

Indeed, spread on a dog lickmat for example, peanut butter becomes an occupational treat , allowing your dog to relax and not focus on your departure.

Your absence will be better experienced, especially since he will associate your departure with his treat spread on his toy!

4. During a moment of stress

As with separation anxiety, peanut butter for dogs is great for keeping your pet occupied during a stressful time .

That’s because if your dog is busy licking peanut butter off a lick mat, he’s not busy thinking about the stress of the situation.

So giving peanut butter to your dog can be a great idea to relax him during stressful situations like:

  • Veterinary visit
  • Car ride
  • Thunderstorm
  • Fireworks
  • Change of routine

Also read: Non-prescription dog sedatives

5. To make it easier to take medication

Peanut butter can also be used to make medication easier to take . Some dogs are reluctant to take medication.

By wrapping the tablet or capsule with peanut butter, your dog will not be able to resist its sweet tooth! Especially since its texture helps to hide the shape and taste of the medicine.

6. To facilitate grooming

Peanut butter for dogs is also a great help when grooming.

Most of our pets do not appreciate having to stay still in sometimes uncomfortable positions for long periods of time.

By enjoying this soothing dog treat , your pet will no longer pay attention to the care provided.

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