My dog ​​is in heat. How can I calm him down?


First of all, it is important to define what rutting is in animals.

The rut, from the Latin “to roar”, is the breeding season for certain mammals only. These include deer, sheep, giraffes and also elephants.

The rut is characterized by an increase in testosterone levels which changes the animal’s behavior.

Mating displays, aggression, increased interest in females, moaning, marking (urine, tracks, etc.), physical changes, etc. are all modifications that an animal in rut can experience.

The deer, for example, is known for its strong and visible rutting cycles. This is the time when you can hear their famous cry, the “bellow”. The deer will also see its antlers at their peak during the rutting period. They will then fall off and grow back until the end of the next cycle. The goal? To be the most beautiful and impressive for the female.

Other behaviors are characteristic of rutting deer, such as battles between males who fight with their antlers.

The rut usually occurs according to the gestation period of the female. Nature being well made, the idea is to give birth at the arrival of spring, the season during which nature is the most generous, and therefore during which the young will be able to feed more easily.



Unlike these animals, the dog does not have a rutting cycle as such.

A male dog will simply react to the pheromones of females in heat.

In other words, his rutting cycle will evolve according to the cycle of the females around him.

If a female dog in heat is nearby, her testosterone levels will instantly increase and influence her behavior.

This transient phenomenon will end when the heat of the female dog living nearby ends.

It is therefore an abuse of language to say that a dog is in heat because this phenomenon is not cyclical. Your dog is just sexually receptive to the heat of females.

HEAT IN female dogs

Female dogs are “in heat” when they enter the fertile part of their reproductive cycle. A heat lasts on average 3 weeks and a female dog will typically go into heat every 6 to 8 months .

Most breeds have their first heat at around 6 months , but it can be earlier or later.

A heat can usually be identified when there is bleeding from the vagina, a swollen vulva, or increased urination. Female dogs do not produce a lot of blood, however, and in a small dog, you may not even notice the bleeding.



A dog in heat therefore reacts to the cycles of females. If a female dog in heat is nearby, your companion may change his behavior :

  • Excessive barking and whining
  • Increased excitement
  • Sniff the environment more
  • Around in circles
  • More dominant behavior than usual
  • Licking & Sniffing Bitches in Heat
  • Demands outings, runs away
  • Increased urination
  • Track tracking

For young dogs in heat

How to react to a female in heat may differ depending on the dog’s age and experience.

A young, inexperienced dog will not necessarily understand these physiological upheavals. He may then try to externalize this new energy by masturbating on objects or other things such as cushions, shoes or even legs.

This behavior is in no way related to an attempt to dominate your dog. It is simply the discovery of his sexuality.

It is therefore important to remember that you should not punish or hit your dog if he rides or rubs against things. In addition to not understanding, an aggressive reaction on your part could cause him serious problems, make him unpredictable or even uncontrollable.

Simply support your companion with kindness in this natural hormonal upheaval.

Remember this won’t last! It’s only a few days!

For older dogs in heat

An experienced dog will know what his behavior is about. He will understand his desire to mate and therefore will probably not get excited about other things. He will still be more agitated but in a more channeled and shorter manner.



Warning! Masturbation, rubbing or riding are not necessarily the reactions of a dog in heat to a female in heat. Your dog may act this way for other reasons.

Sexual behavior

Masturbation is a normal part of sexual behavior for dogs (neutered or not). Both male and female dogs mount other dogs, people, and objects. This is a normal behavior due to a surge of hormones that most of the time simply means that your dog is doing well. You don’t need a female in heat for this.

Also, many people don’t know that this behavior is not limited to unneutered male dogs. Neutered males can actually get erections, and dogs that have had a vasectomy can ejaculate like other males.

Gaming behavior

Sexual behaviors, including mounting, are part of normal play behavior in dogs.

Dogs do not typically exhibit erections or ejaculations in the context of play. Some poorly socialized or undersocialized dogs mount other dogs excessively in response to a play prompt. They do not appear to know how to play well and become overexcited during this time of distraction.

Response to strong emotion

Some dogs respond to stressful or exciting situations by humping or masturbating. For example, after meeting a new dog or person, an excited dog may rub against another dog, its owner, or a nearby object, such as a toy. This is a way of externalizing a negative or simply excessive emotion.

Compulsive disorders

Masturbating can become a compulsive habit, especially if a dog does it in response to stress or boredom. Compulsions such as humping and masturbation can interfere with a dog’s normal functioning. But again, and here more than anywhere else, do not punish your dog. Try to understand the cause in order to act appropriately.

Medical problems

Various medical issues, including urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence, priapism (persistent and often painful erections), and skin allergies, can influence a dog’s mounting and rubbing behavior.

These problems can be serious if not treated properly and require medical attention rather than behavioral treatment. Dogs with any of these or other medical conditions often spend a lot of time licking the genital area. If you notice your dog excessively humping, rubbing, or licking, take him to a veterinarian to rule out any medical issues.


Rule out behavioral problems or illness

As seen previously, a dog that rubs, masturbates or rides things is not necessarily a sign that he is in heat.

These can be more serious issues such as stress-related behavioral problems or boredom, but they can also be a symptom of illness. If you suspect a health problem in your dog or have noticed other changes (physical or behavioral), consult a veterinarian.

Understand the cause, to act accordingly

Again, just because your dog is excited doesn’t mean he’s in heat. To know what to do, understand the cause. Does he act this way whenever he sees another dog? If so, your dog may be under-socialized. Does he act this way when he has nothing to do? If so, he may be bored. Simple outings can then stop this habit.

Be kind

But no matter the reason, the first piece of advice we can give you is kindness. There is no point in hitting, scolding or punishing a dog that is riding and rubbing against objects whether it is because he is in heat or not. Be tolerant and understanding. It is simply a natural reaction.

Play with your dog

If your dog is excited by females in heat, distract him by playing with him. By exercising in a playful way, he will also have less energy for other things. Likewise, if your dog is riding or rubbing himself because of stress and boredom. Keeping him busy by playing with him and giving him attention will keep him away from this type of worry.

Go for a walk

Walks are a great way to stimulate a dog in heat. New smells, noises, and other stimuli will distract him from the females in heat. Changing his environment and moving him away from the pheromone-contaminated area will help him gradually return to a calmer behavior.

Call a professional

If your dog’s behavior in heat becomes problematic, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with a canine behaviorist. The latter will help you channel your companion’s energy and teach you the right actions to take.

Operate by reward, not punishment

If your dog in heat stops rubbing when you say “stop,” reward him with a treat, toy, or affection, whichever your dog enjoys most. Remove the target of his attention as well if possible. If it’s a person, you may simply need to remove your dog from the room.

If you can’t get your dog’s attention with a verbal cue, you may need to entice him with a reward. Find something very appealing, such as a treat or his favorite toy. Repeat the “stop” signal consistently every time your dog rubs or rides, and then praise your dog when he shifts his attention to the reward.

Get help from nature

To soothe and calm your companion, you can turn to gentle and natural alternatives such as CBD . CBD is a hemp extract known for its calming and soothing benefits. It will be particularly effective if your dog is aggressive or agitated when faced with a female’s heat, but also if your dog masturbates or rubs excessively due to stress.

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