Can CBD help my dog ​​who gets car sickness and stress while traveling?

Helping your dog overcome travel anxiety can be an impossible task for some dog parents.

Distraught and in order to calm their companion, some people risk giving their animal medications that can turn out to be really harmful to them.

Indeed, the side effects of anxiolytics and other chemical sedative treatments should never be overlooked.

There are other healthier and more natural solutions to calm your dog as a car ride or trip approaches.

In addition to simple actions (reassuring him, getting him used to journeys, etc.), CBD is now recognized as one of the best solutions in terms of natural remedies against canine stress linked to travel.

We’ll tell you more.

Traveling with your pet: a potential source of stress

We have all experienced a long and painful car ride stuck in traffic jams.

We have all at one time or another endured endless hours of waiting at the train station or airport.

We have all felt overwhelmed by crowds. We have all felt trapped in a vehicle.

But while this is all stressful for us humans, put yourself in your dog’s paws and imagine what he’s feeling.

Motion sickness and travel anxiety in dogs are common.

Between the fear of the vet and therefore of the vehicle that takes him there, the motion sickness because of the jolts and the passing landscapes as well as the fear of the unknown, taking your dog on a trip is not always easy.

In extreme cases, it even becomes impossible for dog parents to go on weekends or vacations with their pet.

However, there will always be times when traveling in a vehicle is unavoidable. And this is often a disaster for dog parents who find themselves faced with an anxious and stressed pet .


Symptoms of Travel Stress and Motion Sickness

Travel causes extreme anxiety in pets and this anxiety can manifest itself in a variety of ways:

  • Vomiting
  • Hustle
  • Panting
  • Excessive salivation
  • Tremors
  • Barking and whining
  • Obsessive behaviors (scratching, licking)
  • Defection and urination
  • Escape attempt


Simple actions to calm your dog during journeys

Whether by car, train, or boat… There are simple things that all dog parents can do to relieve their pet from car sickness and travel anxiety:

  • Keep the temperature inside the car cool.
  • Roll down the windows to let fresh air circulate.
  • Limit your dog’s food to a few hours before travel.
  • Do some physical activity with your dog about twenty minutes before your trip to exercise him and reduce stress.
  • Reassure him with caresses.
  • If he is afraid of the vet, he will associate the car with that. Associate the car with something fun like a walk.
  • Reward him with a treat when he gets in the vehicle.
  • Keep water available.
  • Distract him and play with him.
  • Stop as often as possible.
  • Start getting him used to rides when he’s young.
  • Take it step by step . Start by just sitting him in the car, then another time start the car. Then go for a short walk the first time, a longer one the second, etc.


Why avoid stress medication?

Although there are medications to calm your dog during car rides or plane trips, some can be harmful or even fatal to your companion.

This is the case with sedatives, for example, which cause numerous side effects.

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), sedating dogs during air travel can increase the risk of heart and respiratory problems. Except in exceptional circumstances, veterinarians rarely recommend these types of treatments to calm dogs.

Furthermore, little is known about the effects of air pressure on sedated animals. Especially since reactions vary from one sedated animal to another.

In any case, do not give any anxiolytic or sedative to your dog without consulting your veterinarian first. This could have serious consequences on his health.

There are natural alternatives to calm and soothe dogs during journeys or trips. These healthy, non-chemical solutions are increasingly favored by dog ​​parents, and rightly so.


CBD, a natural remedy against motion sickness and stress while traveling

For many dog ​​parents, the mention of CBD , or cannabidiol, around the dinner table can raise eyebrows.

Why? Because this molecule comes from the hemp plant and they confuse it with recreational cannabis.

Many people actually believe that CBD products can be addictive and intoxicating.

This is one of the most widespread and false myths that exists about CBD.

Unlike recreational cannabis, CBD comes from a variety of hemp that contains little THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol.

CBD is a component of hemp that is different from THC, which is psychotropic.

CBD and Anxiety in Dogs

Fear of traveling or flying can cause nausea and breathing difficulties in humans and dogs alike.

CBD can help relieve anxiety associated with fear of cars, planes, or transportation, allowing your dog to finally enjoy a stress-free ride.

CBD may relieve travel stress because it works on receptors in the brain to better control the fear response.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that greatly affects the mental health of humans but also dogs. If they are afraid of something, it is likely that their body is lacking serotonin.

Since CBD directly affects the receptors in the body that receive serotonin, consuming CBD helps alleviate symptoms of anxiety.

CBD products act as an antidepressant because they can compensate for the lack of serotonin in the body. This means that if you use CBD products on a regular basis, your fear of transportation may decrease.

Apart from this, CBD also reacts with the hippocampus of the brain. Dogs that suffer from certain phobias and fears have a smaller hippocampus. By consuming CBD, the growth of neurons in the hippocampus will accelerate, making it more immune to fear of transportation.

CBD and Sleep in Dogs

The benefits of CBD products go beyond managing your dog’s fear of flying or transportation.

This natural active ingredient can also improve the quality of your companion’s sleep, allowing him to enjoy a little rest when taking the plane.

In fact, the quality of sleep is influenced by different factors. For example, it will be difficult for him to sleep if he suffers from anxiety.

On top of that, CBD products are known to have a positive impact on the mammalian endocannabinoid system and can signal your dog’s body to get more sleep if they need it. This function can regulate sleep stability, which can lead to more restful and deeper sleep.

CBD and Nausea in Dogs

Research has already shown the positive effects of CBD on nausea. Since nausea is a symptom of motion sickness, CBD can therefore contribute to the comfort of a car or plane ride.


How to choose the best CBD products?

You can now buy CBD products in the form of oils, treats or even sprays.

But for you to buy the best CBD product, be sure to consider the following points:

  • Validate that it does not contain THC

As mentioned above, CBD is different from THC. Both are found in hemp but unlike CBD, THC can be harmful to your dog.

So make sure that there is no trace of THC in the CBD products you choose to relieve your pet’s anxiety. To do this, simply check their content on the label or on the manufacturer’s website.

This is the case, for example, of Botaneo , which uses safe extraction techniques that are harmless to your dog. Each of the brand’s products is guaranteed to be THC-free.

  • Check lab results

A professional manufacturer will have lab testing. This is a way for brands to be transparent with their customers and make them fully aware of what they are consuming. So don’t hesitate to ask them.

  • Learn about the origin of hemp

Many hemps are now imported from China and are of very poor quality. Some hemps are loaded with pesticides or other chemicals and it is therefore important to pay close attention to its origin in order to offer the best to your dog.

Choose European hemp that is widely controlled and uses healthy and natural cultivation methods. This is the case, for example, with Botaneo hemp, which comes from Europe and is organically grown.

  • Choose a CBD with a pleasant flavor for your dog

Human CBD will be unpleasant for your pet. Choose a CBD specially designed for your companion and incorporating a gourmet flavor for him. It will be easier for you to give it to him than if he does not like the taste.

  • Pay attention to reviews

To check the credibility of the CBD product you have selected, check out reviews from previous customers. Customer reviews can give you a good idea of ​​the results you can expect.

If you are traveling soon and want to better manage your dog’s anxiety, choose carefully which CBD product to use. Make sure it comes from a reputable seller and that its contents are listed on its label.

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