Grandma’s remedy for dog constipation

Just like humans, dogs can suffer from constipation. A painful problem that can be attributed to a lack of fiber in their diet or not drinking enough water throughout the day.

Fortunately, there are many natural solutions to treat constipation in dogs. A good reason to present to you today the best grandmother’s remedies to relieve this problem.

Remember though, it is always best to consult your veterinarian before making any changes to your dog’s diet or administering medications. Constipation can actually be a symptom of illness.



This is a good question because the main symptom – straining – is not necessarily the result of constipation. Straining can actually be associated with bladder problems and diarrhea.

So if you see your dog straining to go to the bathroom, take a closer look:

  • Urine

Is your dog able to pee normally? Is urine coming out in small drops or not at all? If so, contact your veterinarian immediately as urinary problems can be fatal.

  • Stool

If your pet is able to pass small dry pellets after straining a lot, chances are your dog is indeed constipated. But be aware that dogs with diarrhea may also strain without anything coming out because the inflammation in their intestines gives them a sense of urgency. In this case, patrol the yard and be on the lookout for watery feces.

  • Symptoms

Additionally, constipation in dogs is often accompanied by certain symptoms. They may feel uncomfortable and lose interest in food. Some dogs may also vomit and seem depressed. Finally, some dogs will smell like feces and have a dirty bottom.



Understanding what can lead to dog constipation can help you prevent problems before they arise or at least help you in finding the right remedy. Here are some reasons why your dog may be constipated.

Also, keep in mind that while constipation can occur at any age, it tends to occur more often in older dogs.

  • Ingesting inedible objects such as stones, toys or bones that can become stuck in your dog’s intestines.
  • An enlarged prostate (yes, this happens to dogs too).
  • A diet with too much or too little fiber in foods.
  • An abscess.
  • Lack of exercise.
  • Dehydration, which can also result from an underlying health problem.
  • Medicines that cause constipation as a side effect.
  • Tumors or masses causing obstruction.
  • Excessive grooming, resulting in too much hair in the stool.

Health issues can also prevent your dog from going to the bathroom as he should. Hip dysplasia and arthritis are some examples of health issues that can cause constipation in your dog. In these cases, treating the underlying problem alone can relieve constipation.

This is why it is important to make sure your dog has regular check-ups at the vet. Very often, constipation is just a symptom of a bigger problem.



The following home remedies for mild constipation in dogs may work, but please use only one of the methods listed below.

(Why only 1? Because the combination of 2 or more can cause severe diarrhea, leading to dehydration.)

Grandma’s remedy #1: offer your dog plenty of water and exercise

Make sure your dog stays well hydrated. The most common reason for dog constipation is lack of fluids.

Additionally, to keep your dog’s digestive system moving, your dog needs to stay moving. Regular exercise will help push stools directly into the colon. In addition to this, make sure your dog has plenty of fresh water. Both of these factors can prevent and remedy dog ​​constipation.

So this is an easy and safe first step to try to resolve your dog’s constipation naturally.

Grandma’s remedy #2: switch to wet food

Wet pet food can help a mildly constipated dog that usually eats kibble. Canned food, for example, is a good alternative to try to stop constipation.

If your dog is used to eating only dry food, try replacing it with canned food for 2 days.

The moisture content will logically help your dog have an easier time having a bowel movement during this time.

Grandma’s remedy #3: Incorporate olive oil or mineral oil into food

You can try mixing olive oil with your dog’s food.

Adding olive oil to your dog’s food bowl will usually make it easier for the dog to eliminate and thus relieve constipation.

Be careful when adding oil to foods, as it could potentially cause diarrhea. Trading one digestive problem for another is never a good solution.

Instead of olive oil, you can mix a little mineral oil into the food.

Be careful not to syringe it directly into your dog’s mouth, however, because mineral oil does not give the same sensation in the mouth and may not trigger the swallowing reflex. The risk is that it could be accidentally inhaled into the lungs.

Always mixing the oil with food is therefore a safe way to provide a natural laxative to your dog.

Grandma’s remedy no. 4: try ginger and chicken broth

Another natural home remedy is to mix ¼ teaspoon of ginger with ½ cup of chicken (or beef) broth.

Ginger is known to not only help with digestive health, but also relieve constipation. The fats in the broth help move the process along.

Grandma’s remedy #5: add more fiber to your dog’s diet

Humans rely on fiber in their diets themselves, so you probably already have some effective fiber for dogs in your home.

Otherwise, you can find them at your local grocery store. There are simple ingredients that you can mix in with your dog’s regular meal like oatmeal, carrots, green beans, or sweet potatoes.

Grandma’s remedy #6: Adding digestive enzymes and probiotics to your dog’s diet

This is another preventative measure that can be used before the problem arises. Mixing digestive enzymes and probiotics with your dog’s food can actually combat poor digestion. This is one of the most common causes of canine constipation and even diarrhea in dogs.

Sometimes it’s better (and certainly less complicated) to tackle these types of problems before they even start.



Pain, loss of appetite, depression, stress… Constipation is often accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms for your dog.

Once you have discovered the origin of the constipation and have started to treat your pet, consider relieving your companion with CBD , the active ingredient derived from hemp.

CBD is now recognized for helping to maintain metabolism and greatly contributes to the well-being of dogs.

Among its many benefits, CBD can relieve many of the symptoms of constipation:

  • Pain killer

A dog that suffers from constipation is also prone to pain. CBD is a powerful natural pain reliever and will help you soothe your dog’s aches and pains.

  • Regulates appetite

A constipated dog often loses its appetite. It will eat and drink less, which can have serious consequences for your pet’s health. CBD promotes appetite and will help your dog regain strength.

  • Anti stress

Constipation can be a source of stress and even depression in dogs. CBD is known to be an excellent natural sedative and will help your dog regain his zest for life.

  • Promotes energy boost

Constipation is usually accompanied by a loss of energy in dogs. CBD, which helps maintain functions, will help your pet regain sufficient energy to fight and overcome constipation.



When you notice that your dog is constipated, you can obviously try some home remedies to help him overcome this problem.

That said, it is wise to keep in mind that natural home remedies are not always enough to solve the problem.

In case the remedies suggested above do not work, your veterinarian has other treatment options that may help.

After all, you wouldn’t rely entirely on home remedies for your own ailments. Nor should you limit your dog to these solutions. There are professionals whose job it is to handle these kinds of things.

For example, your vet may prescribe a laxative. Your dog may also need an enema, a procedure that should definitely be performed by a professional. There may even be medications that can help increase the strength of your dog’s large intestine to encourage bowel movements.

Bottom line: Your vet knows what’s best for your dog, so don’t hesitate to ask for help. No matter how close you are to your pet, you can’t solve all of their problems on your own, and that’s okay!



It’s important to take your dog’s constipation seriously, especially if you’ve tried the home remedies above and they haven’t fixed the problem.

If the problem persists for more than two days, always call the vet!

If there is blood in his stool, if your dog vomits, or if he becomes listless, this constipation problem can signal serious health problems. In these cases, please contact your veterinarian immediately.

Also, if your pet is crying, squatting, or straining every time he tries to have a bowel movement , it’s time to seek veterinary help. Especially since, as explained above, the symptoms of constipation can resemble the symptoms of more serious illnesses.

Once your veterinarian has examined your dog, the right treatment can be administered to provide immediate relief to your companion.

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