Older Cat: 10 Good Reasons to Give CBD

Just like humans, cats and dogs are not immune to aging and the host of changes it can bring to their daily lives.

Although each animal experiences this entry into old age differently, this period marks the appearance of new physical and psychological fragilities which must be supported as best as possible for a peaceful life.

CBD or cannabidiol is a natural product that can greatly help your old companion at this key moment in his life.

Without danger or side effects, CBD for cats actually helps maintain your cat’s abilities in a context of well-being and calm.

To enlighten you, here are 10 good reasons to give CBD to your elderly cat !


What is CBD?


CBD or cannabidiol comes from the hemp plant.

CBD is safe, unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) also found in the cannabis plant.

THC is, in fact, a psychoactive substance used in the manufacture of narcotics. It is completely prohibited for sale, unlike CBD which is legal. CBD and THC are therefore not to be confused!

The advantage of a natural product like CBD is that it has multiple benefits and does not cause side effects or addiction.

It can therefore be offered to cats and dogs, as well as to humans on an ongoing basis.

A simple consultation with your veterinarian is still recommended for the well-being of your pet.

The beneficial action of CBD on the animal body is explained by the endocannabinoid system which is present in all mammals.

This system guarantees the proper balance of the body by maintaining its homeostasis.

The endocannabinoid system helps regulate a large number of body functions:

  • The mood
  • Memory
  • Pleasure
  • The appetite
  • The sleep
  • The metabolism
  • Movement and coordination
  • The immune response

Sometimes the endocannabinoid system becomes unbalanced and fails to regain the necessary homeostasis, which can trigger disorders and diseases.

CBD or cannabidiol being a natural cannabinoid, giving it to your pet will help them return to normal and thus prevent health problems.


CBD has multiple properties:

  • Anti-inflammatories
  • Painkillers
  • Regulatory: CBD helps balance and maintain the balance of the immune system
  • Anxiolytics
  • Soothing in neurological disorders, particularly epilepsy
  • Moisturizing and regenerating for skin conditions
  • Stimulants for appetite and transit

Terms of Use

It is possible to find CBD-based products in different forms depending on the use in specialist shops.

CBD oil is the most common constitution.

This oil can be offered in spray form, which makes it much easier to administer directly into your cat’s mouth.

Note that CBD can also be offered in the form of treats, very attractive for those with a sweet tooth.

Please note, even if CBD is a natural product, it is important to respect the recommended dose according to the weight and profile of your cat.

Inappropriate and especially excessive dosage could cause health problems.

Discover Botaneo’s CBD oil for cats by clicking here .


CBD to support your cat’s aging

Aging in cats begins at 7 years of age with the period of maturity .

Then, at 10 years old, the cat enters the first phase of the senior period and at 15 years old, it enters the second phase.

A number of signs accompany normal aging and disorders may indicate pathological aging.

1. Decreased drive

Your older cat, like your dog, often shows a loss of dynamism .

He who used to run, jump, climb his cat tree now spends most of his time simply sleeping!

It is obviously not possible to prevent this slowdown in metabolism since it is linked to aging.

However, it is possible to put in place solutions to maintain one’s instinctive drive as much as possible and for as long as possible.

CBD oil for cats combined with salmon oil, offered in particular by Botaneo , is a natural booster for weakened or fragile cats.

In fact, salmon oil is an oil whose fatty acids act synergistically on the metabolism.

The advantage of these fatty acids is that they are not stored by the body but transformed into energy.

By offering your older cat CBD oil enriched with salmon oil , you will give your companion a new lease of life.

Of course, your pet will not regain the enthusiasm of his youth, but he will be more enthusiastic about activity, interactions and games.

Discover CBD oil for cats.

2. Alteration of coat quality

An aging cat or dog’s coat is often dull and the animal may be prone to skin conditions.

Hormonal disorders, such as hyperthyroidism , are often the cause of these skin disorders in older cats, which can lead to hair loss and dandruff.

CBD-based products, with their soothing and balancing properties, help to limit skin disorders and their consequences on the coat.

They thus relieve your companion’s discomfort and help maintain the quality of the coat.

3. Loss of appetite or difficulty eating

As your cat ages, its daily activity will decrease and, with it, often its appetite.

The cat is a very sensitive animal which has sometimes significant demands regarding the nature and quality of its food.

As your feline gets older, it becomes even more picky because its reduced appetite causes it to be even more selective about its food .

In addition to a poor appetite, your older cat may have difficulty eating or experience pain when chewing, which is linked to oral problems that are common in older cats.

It is advisable to properly care for your cat’s teeth on a daily basis to prevent their appearance.

In both cases, CBD products can help your pet by relieving pain and discomfort and boosting their appetite and food intake.

In fact, the endocannabinoid system plays a role in regulating eating behaviors. When it is unbalanced, consequences appear such as loss of appetite.

CBD promotes the stimulation of this system and its rebalancing. Note that Botaneo treats, by their appetizing nature, arouse the desire in your companion for easier intakes.

4. Sleep disorders

An older cat frequently presents sleep disorders in the form of night awakenings or anxiety promoting difficulty falling asleep .

Night awakenings can be caused by any kind of pain that your feline may feel due to its age, but also by a bladder that no longer functions as it used to and causes frequent urination.

By offering CBD-based products to your pet, you will offer them relaxation conducive to sleep and relief from their chronic pain.

The calming and relaxing properties of CBD actually help your pet let go for a peaceful, deep sleep.

Dr. Cyril Berg , veterinarian, explains to us, in pictures, how to take care of your elderly cat.

5. Behavioral disorders

Behavioral problems are not uncommon in older cats and dogs.

They are linked to abnormal activity in the neurological sphere which will cause new and inappropriate behaviors in your pet.

Let us mention the irritability syndrome which is often the consequence of prefrontal cerebral damage.

The cat then exhibits increasingly frequent aggressive behavior through irritation, with scratches and bites.

CBD helps reduce aggression in irritable cats by reducing pathological hypersensitivity.

Triggers of aggression are thus inhibited and behavioral disorders are limited.

Also read: Why does my cat attack me after a cuddle?

6. Fear and anxiety

Whether or not your senior cat or dog was prone to anxiety in his youth, he often develops more anxiety as he gets older.

Why? This may be linked to a limitation of his activity which makes him more sensitive to change but also to the pain he may feel or to the progressive loss of his abilities in the face of which he may present great lucidity.

CBD-based products, with their anxiolytic properties, will truly relieve your companion by inducing a feeling of well-being and reducing the emotional consequences of pain.

The anxiety will not disappear completely, but it will drop to a level that is tolerable for your feline.

Also read: Stress in cats: Understanding & Taking Action

7. Depression

As in humans, anxiety and depression commonly appear with advancing age in cats and dogs.

Symptoms of depression often include loss of vitality, isolation and feeling unwell.

Involutional depression is characteristic of older cats. It is frequently the consequence of a brain tumor or a tumor of the adrenal gland and is manifested by:

  • Insomnia with sudden awakenings associated with loud plaintive meows
  • General uncleanliness: the cat may urinate anywhere, including where it sleeps
  • A regression marked in particular by the fact that the cat explores its environment with its mouth as it did when it was a kitten. It can thus start to damage furniture, fabrics and electrical wires again.
  • Adopting unusual sleeping locations such as the bathtub or outside in the pouring rain.
  • Abnormal emotional reactions: agitation, avoidance, wandering.

Again, while CBD is not intended to treat depression, it can greatly relieve your pet from the discomfort and distress that depression can cause.

8. Disease

CBD products provide gentle support for the symptoms and stress caused by any illness.

Not all older cats get sick, but the occurrence of certain illnesses inevitably increases with age.

Some of the common diseases in older cats include:

  • Chronic renal failure
  • Diabetes
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Cancerous tumors such as lung tumors

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